Nineteen - Fake

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I saw Charles with a girl holding hands.

Wow. He moved on quickly.

He hasn't seen me yet as he walked towards us because his eyes are fixed on the blonde girl. I felt my heart break into a thousand little pieces. When Charles got to us, he high-fived with Pierre.

"Hello mate.", he said. As he was about to greet Kika, he finally noticed me and his smiling face changed to shocked.

"What are you doing here?"

"She wanted to surprise you.", Pierre said because I couldn't get a word out of myself. I could feel my eyes starting to burn as I resisted crying.
Don't cry Azalea!

He obviously didn't know what to say. He hugged me but I stood there stiffly.

"I can explain that.", he whispered in my ear.

"you don't need to. That explains enough.", i whispered too.

"Meet me in front of the motorhome in 5 minutes.", he whispered as he broke the hug.

"I have to get something. Sara, you can wait here for a moment.", he said and she nodded. He looked at me before he jogged back to the motorhome.

"I'll go see Lando.", I said and they nodded. I walked in the same direction as Charles.

Should I really go? I thought for a moment but decided to go.

I walked to the motorhome and I saw him standing there. He grabbed my hand and led me into the motorhome to his room.

"Azalea listen to me. It doesn't look like what you think. She's just my fake girlfriend. i only do this for you So the media will leave you alone.", he said.

"And for that you need a fake girlfriend?", I asked.

"Why did you ignore me?", he asked.

"Because of the media. But I came here to say that i don't care. We are friends and it is normal for friends to spend time together. If the media want to invent things, then they should do it.", i said.

"Why didn't you told me this earlier?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you."

"But if you had told me this earlier, then I had never hired her."

"Then quit her."

"It's not possible. I told in an interview that she will be my plus one on the event on Monday."

"You make it even more complicated. As soon as we are seen again together, it will be said that I pinched you from her too."

"I said that she is a friend."

"But you're holding hands with her."

"I didn't know that you were coming."

"It doesn't matter. We can't be seen together. Because you're so stupid.", I said angrily.

"Don't be mad at me. We still can meet in the hotel."

"I'm in a different Hotel."

"Then cancel the room. you can stay with me"


"Don't worry I'll sleep on the couch."

"I don't care about that. It's about me being mad at you."

"What can I do to stop you being mad?"

"Nothing.", i said.

"Sure?", he said and approached me.

"Yes.", i said.

He was right in front of me. He looked into my eyes. His face neared mine, he placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. My stomach started tingling. My hands wandered behind his neck and our tongues battled for dominance. I pulled away from him and he looked me in the eye.

"Still mad?", he asked with a grinning face.

"You'll have to find it out.", i said and made my way to the door.

"Are you canceling your room?"

"Maybe. I'll tell you after qualifying. But only if you get pole position.", i said while we walked out.

"Azalea? What are you doing here?", i heard Landos voice behind me as we were walking to the others.

"Lando!", i said and ran to him.

I hugged him and he lifted me up.

"Are you here to see me?", he asked grinning.

"Calm down Norris. She's here because of me.", Charles said chuckling.

"How is my favorite boy feeling?", I asked and tousled his curls.

"Did you here Leclerc? I'm her favorite boy.", he said grinning. "I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine too.", I said and we walked to the others.

We three made our way to the others. Sara, Charles fake girlfriend, smiled as she saw him.

"Where were you?", she asked and snuggled up to him. I looked at Charles annoyed and he noticed. But he also looked annoyed.

"Who is this?", Lando asked me in a whisper.

"I'll tell you later."

"Do you guys already have outfits for the event on Monday?", Yuki asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"Charlie and I are going shopping on Monday. we can go as a group.", Sara suggested. Lando and I looked at each other in disgust.

"Aza are you coming too?", Kika asked. "No."

"You can be my plus one.", Lando said and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Oh sure Landie.", i said and we both started laughing.

"But I'm serious. You will be my plus one so on monday we will go and get you a hot dress", he said and winked at Charles.

"alright but only because it's you.", I said and winked at him.

The boys had things to do and I spend time with Kika and unfortunately Sara.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

Max, Lando, Esteban, and I entered the conference room and sat down at the table on the small stage. As always, the room was packed with journalists. There were many questions about the forthcoming qualifying.

"Yeah I saw it and I'm actually shocked how people judge without even knowing a single detail. Charlotte and I have decided together to go our separate ways. But we still remain good friends because we get along better as friends. And Azalea is not the reason! Yes she is my ex girlfriend and yes we are in contact again. but it is not the reason for the separation between Charlotte and me! Also I am not the reason for the separation between Max and her. And the two are still friends too. I've known Azalea since I was little, over 20 years and you can't just forget a bond like that. So please stop speculating. People break up without anything big happening. Respects our decision and privacy. And stop throwing hate at Azalea! She is a wonderful person and she doesn't deserve it.", I said.

"That's the way it is. I agree with him. Azalea and I only broke up because we realized that a friendship suits us better. We still have very good contact. There's no bad blood between Charles and I either, because nothing of the sort happened. The speculations are all wrong and unnecessary. You don't have to know every detail. We may be famous but just like all of you, we have private lives too", Max said and the subject was finished.

After the conference, i made me ready for the Qualifying.

I know this chapter is shit but the next chapter will be better.

Xoxo Jara🫶🏽

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