Three - still drives me crazy

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𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

"Since when are you a club person?", he asked me and his jaw tightened.

"Its none of your business.", i answered clearly annoyed.

"How come that you are here?"

"I'm here with my boyfriend and now let me go. You hurting me.", i said and he let me go. I wanted to go back to max because i can't deal with Charles right now. But he pressed me against the wall. He trapped me.

"Are you out of your mind?! Whats your fucking problem?!", i shouted at him angrily. This fucking asshole gotta be kidding me.

"I want to talk to you."

"There is nothing to say! You said a lot by saying nothing on that evening.", i said angrily and i tried to escape his grip but he's to strong.

"You're still mad?", he said. He becomes angry too. I look him in the eyes. His wonderful eyes. Fuck. Focus Azalea.

"That you left me without an explanation? That you left me alone when i needed you the most? That I cried myself every night to sleep? I fucking needed you! I hate you for that, Charles Leclerc. For destroying me.", i said loud. I regret it a bit because he seemed hurt by my words. But honestly i don't care. Hopefully he is hurt. My words are nothing compared to what he did.

"Do you really hate me, love?" He asked me. Love? Is he serious? Why the fuck did he said it? I don't fall for you!

"Yes!", i said after thinking a bit.

He lets of of me and i walk as fast i can back to Max. What the hell was that?

"There you are. Come here.", Max said and I forced a smile.

Next to me was a girl.

"Hey I'm Charlotte. Charles girlfriend.", she said and smiled at me.

My smile faded for a second but i forced a second smile.

"Nice to meet you. Im Aza.", i said. Charles came back and i looked immediately to Max. "Baby, we haven't danced yet. Should we?", i said to him and i noticed how tensed Charles is.

"Good idea.", Max answered and gave me a kiss before we stand up.

"Keep your hands where i can see them, Verstappen. You can wait till you're alone.", Lando said and everyone laughed except Charles.

We went to the bar, get some drinks, headed to the dance floor and we danced really close. His hands were on my waist and he pulled me closer. I placed my armes around his neck and looked him deep in the eyes.

"I feel the tension between you and Charles.", he said.

"What are you talking about?", i tried to play it off.

"Be honest to me. Is there something between you two? He is staring the whole time at you. And i saw how he went after you to the restrooms. I wanted to follow you too but Pierre hold me back.", he said and he looked sad. I looked in the direction where the others are and i saw how Charles is staring at us. I look back to Max

"There was. But a long time ago. We were a couple for two years but he left me without an explanation. Its four and a half years ago. He is my past and you are my future. You don't need to worry about him okay? I'm so done with him.", i said and smiled at him.

"You could've told me earlier."

"I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable around him. So lets change the subject. Girlfriend huh?" I asked him grinning.

"Yeah. I never asked you but to me you already are mine. I have feelings for you Azalea. And i want that the world knows that you are by my side.", he said and i melted. He's so adorable.

"So its official now?", i ask and he nodded.

I smiled and closed the gap between our faces and kissed him. His hands made their ways to my butt and squeezed it. I groaned and our kiss gets heated.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

"They are literally horny, Jesus.", Daniel said.

"Oh you're just jealous that Max is gonna to get hot sex tonight with a woman who is sexy as hell and you not.", Lando says and winked at Daniel.

I can feel my body filled up with anger. She's doing it on purpose to drive me crazy. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why does she still have that effect on me?

I pulled Charlotte closer to me. She smiles at me but it fades quickly. She knows something is wrong with me. I never told her about Azalea. She knows about our relationship but not who it was.

The boys are talking about Max and Azalea.

"Damn Guys. Mind your own business. Get yourselves a girl.", i said pissed off. Charlotte looked at me confused.

"Why are you so annoyed?", she whispered.

"I'm not. But its just disgusting.", i answered. I'm hella annoyed. Pierre noticed too.

After a few minutes they came back.

"Guys, we're heading back to the hotel.", Max said and the boys grinned at him.

"Yeah no problem. Enjoy it lovebirds.", Lando said. Ugh so annoying.

"Charlotte and I will come too. We're tired.", I said.

"I'm not tired."

"But i am.", i said and she nodded.

"Ehm okay. Why not.", Max said and we made our way outside.

I walked with Charlotte behind Max and Azalea. She snuggled up to Max. He has his hand around her waist.

"So tell me, how did you meet each other?", i asked them.

"We met at a bar in Monaco. It clicked immediately.", Max answered.

He seems to be tensed.

"Should we do something?", i asked. I don't want that he fucks her!

"I thought, you were tired.", Azalea answered. Fuck.

"The fresh air wakes me up.", i said and we stand in front of the hotel.

Azalea faces me now.

"Thank you for the offer but Max and I have something important to do. If you know what i mean.", she winked and grinned. still naughty like back then.

I clenched my fists and look at her angry.

"Good night.", she said and then walked in.

Holy shit! She still drives me crazy!

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