Seventeen - party

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"Guys how about we go partying now before we leave tomorrow?", Lando suggested.

We all agreed. We all paid separately. Charles insisted on paying for my food even though I made it clear to him that I was able to pay for myself.

We walked out of the restaurant and back to the hotel.

"I'll meet you here in 15 minutes. Then we decide who goes with whom.", Lando said.

"Alright boss.", i said and everyone laughed. We all rushed back in our rooms to change.

I was looking for an outfit in my suitcase and came across a short red satin dress. I took it out and put it on. He'll like that. I put on black high heels.

While I was brushing my hair, there was a knock on my door

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While I was brushing my hair, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and Charles was standing there. He wore a white polo shirt which was tight fitting and black jeans. He looks so good. He looks even in a banana suit good.
He walked in and I went back to my hair.

"Fuck. you look too good", he said and sat down.

"I'm done. we can go"



"I can't go now."

"Why? everything okay?"

"Yes", he said and straightened his pants at the crotch. Oh. "Its your fault."

"Oh don't blame me. Blame your dirty thoughts.", i said laughing. We waited five minutes and after his friend calmed down, we went downstairs.

"Well finally. We thought you weren't coming.", Lando said.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't choose between my outfits.", I said and hugged Lando as compensation.

"You look very good Aza.", he said and smiled.

We decided to go with three cars. Daniel, Pierre and Charles would drive. Alex, George and Daniel in one car. Carlos, Lando and Pierre in one and Charles and I in his. We got in the cars.

As soon as we arrived, we walked to the Security.

"Norris plus 7 people.", Lando said and we got in. Lando called here before and got us in the guestlist.

We all went to the bar to order drinks.

"8 tequila shots please.", Daniel said to the bartender.

Everyone took a shot glass and we toasted. Lando and I crossed our arms and took the shot.

"Oh Lando this is your song!", i said when the friday song by riton and nightcrawlers came on.

He pulled me straight onto the dance floor while the others stayed at the bar.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

"How are you feeling?", Pierre asked me. he was referring to Charlotte.

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