Twenty seven - Same woman

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

I haven't been able to reach Azalea for the past few days. Pierre wrote to her and she said she was fine. My messages didn't reach her and I couldn't find her on Instagram anymore. She blocked me everywhere and I don't even know why. Nevertheless, I have hopes, which is why I'm waiting for her at the airport.

Her plane landed fifteen minutes ago and people are already coming into the arrivals hall. After another fifteen minutes I still hadn't seen her. I went to the reception and asked if she had checked in in Nice.

"I'm sorry but she wasn't on the plane. She had canceled her flight a few days ago", the blonde woman said.

"Okay. Thank you.", I walked away. As I reached my car I took out my phone from my pocket and called Pierre.

"Are you on your way to the hotel?"

"Yes but without her. Call her! And ask her why she canceled her flight and blocked me everywhere!", I said angry to the phone and started the engine.

"What? She didn't come?"

"No! She canceled her flight a few days ago. She wasn't in the fucking plane."

"Calm down. I'll call her as soon as you are here. So you can talk with her too."


"What did you do that she's acting like this?"

"I did nothing! She acts like that since shes back in Monaco."

"Hm. We'll asked her.", he said and hung up.

I drove back to the hotel as fast as I could. I'm really mad at her. what got into her? everything was fine between us in japan. We even had sex and cuddled every night. Does she want to rest to deal with her feelings? Or did she realize that she has no feelings for me? or does she have a new one?

"Lets call her.", I said as I entered Pierres room.

He called her but she didn't pick up.

"Whats wrong with her?"

"Mate, calm down.", he said and I was about to break something.

"She doesn't pick up my calls either. What if Lando called her? She would definitely answer.", Kika said.

"Lets go.", I said and we went to Landos room.

"Whats going's on?", he asked confused.

"You have to do us a favor.", Kika said and we walked in.

"Call Azalea.", I immediately said in an angry tone.

"Okay calm down.", he said and typed her name into the search bar.

"Hey Lan.", her voice came through the speaker.

"Hey Aza. I have here something for you.", he said and he gave me his phone.

"Azalea! Why the hell did you block me everywhere? Why didn't you sit on that damn plane? I was waiting for you at the airport.", I angrily said.

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