Thirty three - Epilogue

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"Charles Leclerc is for the first time ever Champion of the World!", sounded from the speakers.

"YEEESSS!", I cheered. Xavier gave me the headset and said I could announce it to him.

"Baby! You made it! You are world champion!", I said and started sobbing.

"Why are you crying, mon amour? I'm a world champion!!", i heard his voice through the headset.

"I'm crying because I'm so proud of you!"

"I made it baby!! Thank you for supporting me. Without I wouldn't be able to make it. I love you.", he screamed.

"I will always support you. I love you!", I said and took Lilith out of the stroller. She had hearing protection so she could sleep. I made my way to Charles with her in my arms. People made way so I can walk to the barrier. The mechanics kept their distance from me so they wouldn't accidentally hurt Lilith. Charles got out of the car and, as always, jumped on the mechanics. He took off his helmet and hugged me. He gave me a kiss before taking the little one in his arms.

"Did you see? Papa won for you and your Mama.", he said to her and kissed her cheek. He gave her back to me and kissed me one last time so he could do his duties. I walked to the garage again and waited there for him.


"Can I have the stroller?", Arthur asked me and I nodded and walked next to him and the stroller. Arthur wanted to go on a walk with me and Lilith because Charles had something to do I agreed. "She looks so adorable."

"Yes she is.", I said and looked at her in the stroller. She looks exactly like Charles. She has his eyes and his lips. Even his dimples. She laughed at Arthur.

"I can't wait till you can say Thuthur.", he said and made grimaces which made her giggle.

Lilith turned 4 months a few days ago and she is growing every day. It's fascinating how fast the time flies.

"Is that Charles?", I said as I saw a men on the port that looked like Charles.

"Yes.", Arthur said and we walked to him.

"Hello my beautiful girls and Arthur.", he said as we reached him.

"Hello what are you doing here?", I asked and hugged him.

"We're going on a trip.", he said and pointed to his yacht.

"Why didn't you said it earlier?"

"Because I had to prepare something.", he said and took Lilith out of the stroller. He grabbed my hand with his other hand and helped me get in. Arthur folded up the stroller and also got on the boat. We walked to the front. There were rose petals, red balloons and a champagne bottle.

"What is that?", I turned to Charles and he knelt in front of me holding a small box with a ring in his hand. My eyes filled with tears.

"Azalea I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you want to be my wife?", he said nervously and I was speechless. I started crying and nodded.

"Yes I do!", He took my hand and put the ring on me. He got up and kissed me. You make me the happiest man in the world.

"I love you.", I said and kissed him again.

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