Twelve - I was there

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𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

I was on the way to Max after I realized that he wanted to kiss me. Already the second time. He makes it so difficult for me. As soon as I start focusing on my relationship with Max, he appears and thinks he can mess with my feelings. I gotta stay away from him or it'll end up shitty. Not only for Max and Charlotte but also for both of us.

I knocked on the door and the door opened quickly.

"Where were you?" he asked me relieved and immediately wrapped his arms around me. "I've called you a thousand times I was so scared for you.", my tears made their way out of my eyes and he hugged me tighter.

We walked into the room and he looked at me to make sure nothing happened to me.

"I am so sorry. I don't know why I freaked out like that. I did not want that. I didn't mean to hurt you.", he said and hugged me again.

"It's okay."

"I was just a little scared that you'd feel something for him again. It drives me crazy to think that you still think about him"

"You don't have to worry about. I will avoid him. I love you and that will not change. He is also in a happy relationship. There will never be anything between us. Promised.", i said and i made myself a little bit sad about it and i don't even know why. Its true. It will never happen that we get back together.

"I love you too.", he said smiling and kissed me.

"I would like to take a shower before we go to your free practice.", i said and he nodded.

We arrived at the track after I was dressed and made up. I wore a light blue ripped jeans and a white crop top. Plus one of Max' Red Bull jackets. My Hair was in a ponytail with two strands hanging out in front.

Christian gave me a weird look. He definitely saw the pictures too. Did everyone saw it except of me?
We went to his room in the motor home and he got dressed.

"You look very handsome without anything on.", I said.

"The same goes to you.", he said while putting on his suit. I felt the heat in my cheeks.

"Lets go.", he said and grabbed my hand. Our fingers intertwined and we walked to his box. After free practice we went back to the hotel and watched movies. We didn't do anything great because I got a bad headache.

Today is qualifying day so Max woke up early while i stayed in bed.

"Babe, get up.", he said.

"Just one minute.", i said. I suddenly felt him above me.

"Please get dressed now or you'll have to see how you get there yourself.", he said and gave me a kiss on my head.

"Ugh fine.", i said and got up.

I searched my suitcase for an outfit for today. When I finally had one, I put it on. Lightblue wide leg jeans, a white top and a thin white blouse.

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