2 - Stan

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: Not requested
: Fluff
: Stan sneaks his way into Y/n's room, drunk off his ass.
: Warnings: You already know, child drinking alcohol.


It wasn't often that Y/n was awoken in the middle of the night from a loud bang in his room, fearing the worst he tried to stay quiet. He felt a thump on his bed and someone groaned loudly, sounding drunk---wait, drunk? Y/n opened his eyes and looked to the figure on the bed, he sighed seeing that it was Stan.

"What the hell, Stan?"

Stan hummed and looked over to Y/n, seeing about a hundred of him at once. He laid back onto the unmade bed and stared up at the ceiling, muttering something under his breath that Y/n didn't catch. Y/n sighed and untucked himself from bed, sitting up and looking down at the raven haired friend of his.

"Dude, you smell like shit."

Y/n hissed, getting a whiff of him accidentally.

"Cus...i threw up...earlier...."

Stan slurred his words, looking at Y/n as if he did nothing wrong. Y/n gasped and grabbed his friends hand quickly, tossing him off his bed and onto the floor. Stan groaned and was about to yell when Y/n beat him to it, hushing Stan when he heard something outside his bedroom door. Waiting for a moment for whatever family member it was to leave, and once they did---Y/n looked at Stan with a disgusted expression.

"That's disguising, Stan!"

Stan rolled his eyes and laid back on the floor, not feeling able to sit up. Y/n turned on his lamp and went over to his closet, opening it and looked around for a spare shirt that he didn't mind being ruined (more than likely). When he he found one, he threw it at Stan. Stan grunted and stared at it before looking at Y/n.

"W'as this?"

"Its a shirt, stupid. I am not letting you on my bed unless you change."

Stan repeated Y/n's words in a mocking tone before sitting up and grabbing the new shirt he was given, he looked at it as if wondering what he was dong before taking off his jacket. Y/n looked away, distracting himself with putting some dirty clothes in the laundry basket in the closet. After a little while, Y/n heard a plop on his bed and looked over.

Stan was laying down on the bed, face down into the blanket. Y/n sighed and went over to grab Stans jacket and shirt, tossing them in the laundry as well. He went over to his bed and scooted Stan over before getting back into bed, wigging to the side to allow Stan to be comfortable.



"I think im..a bout to throw up..."

"Dammit Stan!"

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