13- Trent

400 12 2

- Fight (Angst to Fluff)
- Teen-AU
- Mentions of blood

* I am so sorry for this very late upload!!!! Please enjoy and remember to comment a request if you have one! 😅 P.S— I haven't watched the episode in a while and I'm not able to rn, soooooo bare with me on mistakes lmao

S— I haven't watched the episode in a while and I'm not able to rn, soooooo bare with me on mistakes lmao

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(Again, so so so so sorry for late upload, and the fact that this kinda sucks)

The usual commotion inside the prison seemed to be more extreme all of a sudden, making Trever look over to his cell door with a raised eyebrow. He would have decided against going and checking it out if a guard hadn't ran by faster than light.

"Come on! Come on, stop fighting!"

Trever hummed and got up from his single bed, going over to the cell and opening it. The guards were so humble enough to leave them open for a certain amount of time. Down the hall and in a more open area room, Trever could see a bunch of teens gathered around the guards.

He stood beside someone and tried to look in at the tussle on the floor. Fights, what a surprise. Not a day went by when someone didn't get into a fight, for the stupidest reasons possible.

The guard hand to land a hit on one of the teens, making everyone make 'ooooh' sounds and 'daaamn' noises from all around. One of the other guards came over and grabbed the hit teen, dragging him up to his feet.

Luckily he didn't seem to badly injured, seeing as he tried to pull away and hit at the people around him. With him out of the way, everyone now saw who that teen was fighting.

Trevers eyes widened for a moment. It was Y/n. Even if the bloodied face, there wasn't a doubt that it was him lying there with the crap beat out of him. Trever pushed passed the crowed, yelling curses at them when they tried to talk to him.

"Jesus, I'd hate to be him."

A few of them muttered, now uninterested in what was going on. Trever shook Y/n, trying to get any kind of response out of him. It took a second, but Y/n soon muttered:

"Stop fucking shaking me."

Under his breath. Trever huffed a laugh and helped his friend up, putting an arm around his waist and walking him back to their shared cell. Once there, Y/n was sat there on the bottom bed, groaning.

"What did your dumbass do this time?"

Trever asked with amusement. Y/n hissed at him and went to lay down, sighing deeply as he finally hit the pillow.

"I dunno. With that lunatic, who knows."

Trever had to admit that Y/n was right. Either way, he was not able to miss the opportunity to go at him for this though. Tough Y/n getting into a fight, and losing? Yeah, that wasn't rare, but it was still funny.

"Shut up, Trent."

Y/n muttered, turning his head to the side. Trent didn't attempt to try to hold in his laughter, he didn't care. He sighed happily at the moment and sat down beside Y/n, looking down at him.

"You should get into fights more often."

"Why? So you can laugh at me? No way. Sicko."

Y/n answered, rolling over. Trent laughed and flopped down beside him, it being a tight fit as he did so. Y/n became squished to the wall, but didn't say much against it. Trent stared at the upper bed through the little gaps with a smile.

He still had his revenged planned out,  and he wasn't going to admit that this, that Y/n, was fine for the time being.

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