8 - Clyde

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: Blushing (Fluff)

* Sorry for the slow updates everyone! I will try my best to get a chapter out at least twice a week but I'm not sure...don't quote me on it.

It was strange how easy it was to fly under the radar, Clyde felt accomplished anytime he was able to trick someone into thinking he was still straight

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It was strange how easy it was to fly under the radar, Clyde felt accomplished anytime he was able to trick someone into thinking he was still straight. It was also surprising that Craig never saw it, and maybe that was looping into the stereotype of 'all gays knew each other' but it was still strange.

He had become as straight he could have, and he had plenty of 3 day girlfriends to prove his point. He shrugged off any sort of joke that came his way, even the ones from his friends who no doubt thought about it from time to time.

Although, it was hard to keep it all up, more so when a new kid had come to South Park. Y/n, that was his name---and Clyde remembered it from the moment he heard it. Y/n was popular among the girls, for the simple fact that he seemed to have hit puberty a little earlier than the rest of the boys.

Clyde won't deny those 'gay' thoughts he had every now and then, and if someone asked, he would out himself then and there, but try playing it off in the joking manner. On another side of it, Clyde felt a bit of fear from this, since now he actually liked a boy, and thought about him like he was having a girly crush.

He felt his cheeks heat up when Y/n came to talk to him, and he felt himself gain a stutter anytime he spoke. It was becoming more apparent. 

"Clyde? Hello?"

Clyde shook himself out of a trance and looked at the boy in front of him. Y/n had a confused look on his face, a little worried on how spaced out Clyde was being. Clyde laughed a little from embarrassment.

"I uhm, im sorry—what did you say?"

Y/n sighed and asked his question again.

"You came over to me, Clyde...i ask asking what you wanted..."

Clyde felt a blush creep on his face, he honestly did not remember what he was going to say before he spaced out, and now he had to scramble to find another reasoning as to why he was there. He quickly thought up a reason that made the most sense, or at least he hoped it made sense.

"I was uh, just wondering if you wanted to come to my house...me, Craig...Jimmy, Tweek and Tolkien are gonna....watch Red Racer...."

Clyde knew this was going to go poorly, more than likely because Craig had a deep love for Red Racer and would not like an outsider coming in and watching it with them. He wished and even prayed that if Y/n had said "ok" to the idea, then whatever would come, would not be too horrible.

Y/n took a minute to respond, and that set Clyde's nerves through the roof. Y/n soon shook his head with a saddened look in his eyes. Clyde felt ten times more embarrassed from that reaction, by Y/n quickly tried to explain why he denied the offer.

"I have to go to my (grandparent)'s house after school, but you can count me in another time for sure."

Y/n smiled at the brown-haired boy, sending a wave of fluster throughout Clyde's whole body. Clyde nodded softly and muttered an 'Alright...' before he heard the bell ring. Y/n looked around at the now moving students and then back to Clyde.

"I'll meet you in class, Clyde."

Y/n walked away, leaving Clyde to stand there in a statute like state. This proved that hiding his feelings towards boys, and more specifically, Y/n, would be harder than he thought.

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