1 - Kenny

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(Plots don't matter in most of theses, meaning it could be early seasons or later ones)

: Not suggested
: Fluff
: Kenny has nothing better to do but talk to the new kid Y/n


Kenny kicked a rock in front of him, boredly listening to his friends talk about something he knew he was a horrible idea; though he knew that he would go along with it without thought. He wondered if maybe he should just go home—no, maybe this was better.

Kenny looked up and stared into nothingness. His friends were gone. It would have spooked him if this hadn't happened more than once, not all the time, I mean the blond was apart of the most notorious friend group of South Park after all, so they did drag him around most of the time.

He hummed and looked around for something else to do, then soon spotted the new kid he had met that day at school. A h/c kid named....Y/n,....? Honestly he didn't remember, but whoever he was seemed cool to talk to when Kenny had to chance.

"Mmm, Mhmm!"
"Hey, Y/n!"

The h/c kid turned around in confusion and say Kenny standing there on his lawn. Y/n sighed in relief that it was him rather than someone else, Kenny was the only kid he had talked to other than Wendy, who showed him around the school.

"Hey, Kenny. What are you doing here?"

Kenny shrugged and looked at what the elementary kid was doing, he looked to be setting up some lawn decor. Y/n noticed his watchful eye and sighed, looking at the wooden owl and various other things that sat in the snow.

"My (parents) making me put all this shit out."

Kenny hummed and stayed silent, not knowing where to go after that. Y/n cringed at the awkwardness and decided to ask:

"Sorry if this sounds mean, but what do you want?"

Y/n felt a little bad about his forward-ness, but at the same time he had never hung out with Kenny, so his sudden appearance and attempt at a strike of a conversation was weird. Kenny shrugged, he didn't really want anything....

"Mmhmm, mhmm mhm mh."
"My friends left me."

Y/n snickered and nodded, that was definitely a good reason he guessed. Those kids that Kenny hung out with seemed like all he had, or at least all he was with—maybe it wouldn't be horrible to take advantage of the situation and have a friend for a moment.

"Okay, well uh—you wanna come inside and play on my computer?"

Kenny's eyes lit up at the question, and the possibilities that came with it. The blonds poor *meant literally* heart jumped with joy and he nodded quickly. Y/n nodded and brought Kenny inside the house and called to his (parent) who was in the kitchen.

"My friends here!"

"Alright! I'll bring you kids some sandwiches here ina minute!"

Kenny was in heaven...free food, free computer time and he didn't have to hear his friends annoying voices?? It was a good day. He allowed himself to be brought up the stairs to Y/n's room, it was bare since they were still moving in, but the large computer sat there in all its glory.

"Knock yourself out, Kenny. I'll be back in a minute."

Kenny nodded and sat at the computer, eyeing it with a look of passion. He smiled, maybe the new kid wasn't so bad, and maybe, just maybe, he would consider visiting him often.

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