7 - Clyde

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: Panic and Calm (Angst / Fluff)
: Teenage South Park AU
: Warnings: Talk about body, panic attacks, self-hate.

* This was kinda hard to make ngl, please ignore any grammar mistakes!

Clyde knew he was hot, he knew that he had grown to be a good-looking dude, so when he had walked up to a teenage girl and tried to flirt with her, he was shocked to see she was not interested

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Clyde knew he was hot, he knew that he had grown to be a good-looking dude, so when he had walked up to a teenage girl and tried to flirt with her, he was shocked to see she was not interested. Not only was she not interested, but she went out of her way to make Clyde feel like he was way out of her league.

"Ew, why would i want to go out with you?"

Her tone was bitter. Once the shock wore off, Clyde felt his eyes start to water.

"Like really? Go bother some other girl. Fatass."

She turned on her heels and walked away to her friend group, looking back at Clyde for a moment then saying something to her friends. Clyde stood there confused, and for the first time in forever, he felt...unattractive. He quickly went to the bathroom upstairs and closed the door, making sure it clicked before he took his hand off the knob.

Clyde looked into the mirror that was above the sink. He touched his face and felt some wetness on his cheeks. He had cried more than he thought, or at least he had let them loose when he didn't mean to. Clyde sniffled and looked down to his body, suddenly it was as if he was someone else.

He felt his body fat, which he usually never minded, but now it seemed to be overwhelming. The room started to spin, and Clyde felt himself hit the wall behind the door and slide down. His eyes started to pour like rain, and he knew nothing else to do than cry until he couldn't anymore. The voices of the people outside the bathroom and down the stairs were louder than before, and the music was booming through the floor.

Clyde wanted to scream. This hadn't happened to him in a very long time, he thought he was over it---but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Then he flinched, hearing a knock on the door right next to him. Clyde stared up at the door, praying that it wouldn't open, and if it did---he hoped it would be one of his friends. There was another knock on the door, and a teenage boys voice on the other side.

"Uh, hello? Is anyone in there??"

Clyde wanted to answer, but he couldn't. The words got stuck in his throat, and he was forced to watch the knob turn and turn until it opened, and someone walked in. The teenager boy came inside the bathroom and closed the door, not noticing that Clyde was there until he heard a little sniffle that the brown-haired teen let out accidentally.

The teen turned around and put a hand on his chest.

"Damn dude! You scared the crap outta me---"

Clyde looked away and put his head on his knees, not wanting to respond. The other teen took a second to relax before he saw how sad Clyde seemed to look.

"Hey, are you alright?"

The teen asked, going closer to Clyde slowly. When Clyde didn't react to the movement, the other teen sat down beside Clyde and put a hand on his back. The brown-haired teen flinched a little then lifted his head, looking over to the boy touching him.

"I'm Y/n by the way, in case you...uh...were weirded out."

Y/n tried to explain, seeing the confused look on Clyde's face. He frowned when he saw the tear marks on Clyde's face, along with his red and puffy eyes. He had been crying for a while, and he seemed very tired.

"I'm all ears if you wanna talk about it."

Y/n offered, hoping to be of some help. It was annoying seeing someone else crying, but not because it was stupid or pointless, it was because there was little to nothing Y/n could do about it, especially now that he didn't know the teen crying.

Clyde just stared at him for a moment before scrunching up his face and starting to cry harder, making a whining sound as the tears started to flow. Y/n was taken aback by this, he didn't have time to do anything before he felt Clyde shove himself on him and hold onto his shirt. The mention of talking about it must have triggered him again.

Y/n could hardly make out anything Clyde was saying, but he tried to listen. Y/n rubbed Clyde's back, hushing him as he continued to cry his heart out. Y/n knew his shirt was going to be tear stained and mushed into one by the grip Clyde had on it.

"It's ok, its ok."

Clyde finally stopped crying so loud, now only sniffling and whimpering as he came down from his crying spree. Y/n patted his head and watched Clyde lifted his head up. A sudden rush of embarrassment ran over Clyde's whole body. He thought to himself: 'Did i really just cry on this random guy???'

"I-im sorry..."

Clyde tried to hold in another round of tears, but this time it was from embarrassment instead on self-hate. Y/n shook his head and sat up, grabbing the roll of toilet paper that was next to the toilet, handing it to Clyde.

"It's all good man, i get it."

Clyde took the toilet paper and tore a piece off, using it to wipe off his face. He sniffled and looked back up at Y/n. This was all so awkward, but he was thankful this was the outcome, and it wasn't instead something else. Y/n seemed nice and was better company than any of Clyde's friends would have been.

"You wanna go get something to eat? This party blows anyway."

Y/n got up, nonchalantly, as if this whole ordeal never happened. Clyde nodded softly and got up, throwing the used toilet paper in the trashcan beside the sink. He sniffled some more and looked into the mirror at Y/n, who was fixing his h/c hair.

Y/n looked over to Clyde and smiled a little.

"Okay, lets go."

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