17- Craig

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- Dinner at 9 (Fluff)

Craig yawned as he opened up the front door to his and his husbands house

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Craig yawned as he opened up the front door to his and his husbands house. The sound of the tv in the bedroom was heard, it was unusually loud which made Craig question it for a moment. He shook it out of his head and took off his shoes, shoving them to the side of the door.

"Y/n! I'm home!"

His nasally monotoned voice stayed with him as he grew up, it was one of the many things Y/n loved but made fun of him for.
Y/n came down the stairs with a look of glee on his face, finally his husband was home.

"Finally, if you would've taken any longer I would've thought you were having an affair."

Craig rolled his eyes and followed Y/n into the kitchen, where he leaned over the stove making something. Craig came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his husbands waist, which earned him a side eyed look.

"Hard day, Tuker?"

Craig huffed out a laugh and removed his arms from the other man's waist. Y/n looked back to whatever he was making and waited for his husband to answer the question. Craig sat down at their dining table, yawning a little.


That was Craigs usual response for everything, he didn't really like to elaborate. Y/n had grown used to it, so he didn't mind it as much anymore. Craig watched Y/n grab some plates out of the cabinet and some sodas from the fridge.

Y/n walked over with two plates and two cans of soda, setting them down where him and Craig would always sit. He gave a playful glare to his husband.

"Thanks for the help."

Craig only nodded and gave a small smile to Y/n. Y/n scoffed a laugh and went back to grab the pan and some forks for their meal. Craig watched happily as Y/n set down the pan with slices of chicken on it.


Craig muttered sincerely forking the chicken off of the pan and onto his plate. Y/n nodded and sat down beside him, taking his own chicken and putting it in his plate. They both ate in silence, enjoying the other's presence.

"I can't believe we're so old already..."

Y/n muttered, smiling a little. They both were in their 30s now, such a long ways away from when they started dating, or even became good friends. Craig nodded and put his fork to the side, catching onto the almost sad conversation.

"Yeah, and we've been together for...17 years? I can't believe I put up with you for this long."

Y/n rolled his eyes at his husbands crude joke, but he laughed. He honestly didn't know how he did it either, with Craig being so monotoned, you'd think it would've gotten annoying by now.

"Yeah, well, a lot of people wonder that."

Y/n said, sighing. Craig could tell the conversation wasn't supposed to be light hearted, since now the air became more moody instead of playful. He got up from his seat and grabbed the now empty plates.

He set them in the sink and went back over to his husband, placing a light kiss on his cheek. Y/n looked over and gave Craig a weak smile.

"Let's go to bed, I'm tired as hell."

Craig muttered, yawning as he left the kitchen. Y/n chuckled and got up from his seat, making sure to push the chair back in so he didn't trip over it in the morning. He followed Craig up the steps and to their room.

"Remember when we would stay up until midnight?"

Craig shuttered at the memory, his old body gagging at the idea. He huffed and nodded, opening the dresser drawer to grab some sweat pants. Y/n laughed at his reaction and grabbed his pajamas as well.

"Never doing that again."

Craig said as he went into the bathroom and closed the door, getting ready for a quick shower before he laid down. Y/n hummed and silently agreed.

They might not be young anymore, but at least they still love each other.

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