18 - Butters

479 12 2

: Actual Date (Fluff)
: Teenage AU
: F/n is Friends name

Y/n looked down at the money he had saved up in his hand, 30 dollars

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Y/n looked down at the money he had saved up in his hand, 30 dollars. Not much, not much at all, but it was enough for some good food for him and Butters. He had wanted to take his boyfriend out on a date for a while now.

Butters never complained about it, he didn't bring it up if Y/n didn't ask him on a proper date, but Y/n could tell he was sad when another weekend would come by and there was no question or thought of a date happening.

With them being teens, and living together on their own—most if not all of the money was put away for bills, food and everything they needed to survive, but damnit, Y/n felt him and Butters deserved a good date.

"You really didn't have to do all this, Y/n."

Butters said, putting on a nice button up shirt. Y/n peaked his head out of the bathroom and smiled in his boyfriends direction.

"I think we deserve it."

Butters hummed, he couldn't stop smiling. Y/n was the sweetest, he always tried to take care of Butters one way or another. When Butters got kicked out of his house, Y/n gave him a place to stay—and when they both got kicked from Y/ns parents house, he found the a nice enough house to live. He was great.

"Are you ready to go?"

Y/n asked, coming up behind Butters. The blond nodded and turned around, looking at Y/ns formal attire, which was some nice jeans and a clean f/c shirt. He didn't have any button ups, and he never felt the need to get one since he spent the money on mote important things.

"Yup! Where are we going again?"

Y/n smiled awkwardly, furrowing his brows. He hated to say they were going to the restaurant he worked at, but it was nice AND he was able to get a good enough discount for the expensive stuff.

"(Restaurant name)..."

Y/n could see the confusion in Butters eyes, but he didn't look upset at all. After a second he just nodded and grabbed the key to the house from the bedside table.

"Ok! Let's go...?"

Y/n quickly nodded and led the way to the front door, opening it like a true gentleman for Butters. Butters had a love hate relationship with the gentleman side of Y/n, seeing as Butters could never tell if Y/n was meaning it in a joking way.


The restaurant was packed full of people, a few of them Butters and Y/n recognized from school. They ignored them, and prayed that they didn't come over to them during the meal. Y/n got the ok from one of the waiters to sit down, taking Butters by the hand, he took them to a small booth in the corner, further away from the crowed.

"Sorry it's not much."

Y/n muttered, leaning over the table to better have Butters hear him. Butters shook his head and picked up the menu from the side of the table, Y/n leaned away and grabbed the other menu, smiling.

"I'm glad we were able to go on a date, even if it's not often."

Butters said, a slight blush on his face. He tried to focus on the menu items but he wasn't able to keep his mind clear, thinking so much about how excited he was to even be on a date, he could care less about where it was.

Soon enough someone came over. She looked rather annoyed but her voice tried to otherwise to be calmer and nice. Y/n smirked her way, knowing all to well that F/n was annoyed that she had to be all formal to Y/n.

"What...can I get you...?"

Butters looked a little confused as she hissed it out, but he got reassurance when Y/n started to laugh a little.

"Oh drop it, I don't want you to have a heart attack when I'm on a date."

She quickly sighed and dropped her tense shoulders. Y/n hummed and looked over to Butters.

"What do you wanna get?"

Butters hummed and looked down at the menu again, trying his best not to check the prices in the corner. He ultimately decided to chose the basic cheeseburger and soda. F/n didn't bother to right it down, and she already knew what Y/n always ordered anyways.

"I'll be back,"

She said, forcing a smile and then leaving the table to go wait on another one. Y/n smiled and looked at Butters.

"I love you, Butters."

Butters face went red, then he looked away for a moment.

"Gee, I love you too, Y/n."

He mumbled, smiling.

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