16- Craig

618 25 14

- On cloud 9 (Fluff/Little Spicy)
- Teen AU (16+)

* Dunno if this is exactly what you hand in mind, but this what I could come up with! Btw this was made at 11:30 pm...I'm tired so grammar checks will come tomorrow if I remember lol

Craig stood at his parents house door step, staring inside the house as his father, Thomas, grabbed many of his things and shoved them into an old gym bag he had never used

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Craig stood at his parents house door step, staring inside the house as his father, Thomas, grabbed many of his things and shoved them into an old gym bag he had never used. His mother stood silently, not looking at Craig or her husband.

"Don't you come back!"

Thomas yelled, zipping up the gym bag and throwing it out of the house into the snow. Craigs unamused face looked over to the now covered in show bag and then back to the door, which now had been shut in his face. He sighed and grabbed the bag, chucking it over his shoulder to better hold it.

It was night time, the moon was bright, so Craig knew where he was going. He also knew that he would be back in no time, with his mother being the way she was, Thomas wouldn't get away with this for long, but Craig worried this would last longer than usual.

His otherwise monotone voice and personality was becoming more of a cover for his anxiety and fear about having nowhere to go. He started to shiver at the cold temperatures that South Park had, he cursed himself for not grabbing another jacket to put on top of his usual blue one.

As he walked down the road, he continued counting the people he knew, wondering who would let him crash without asking many questions. He shook off a few of his friends, but then landed on

They'd been friends for as long as Craig could remember, so he would obviously be the best idea. His house wasn't far away either, so Craig wouldn't have to look like a ice statue when he arrived there.

When Craig got there, he pondered aloud if he should just knock on the door, but the possibility of Y/ns parents being there to open it was terrifying. They were usually gone, but from what he knew and heard, they weren't the nicest people. He shrugged and went up to his best friends window, knocking on it rather loudly.

The curtains remained closed for a minute before they were opened by the teen in the room. Y/n blinked a few times trying to find his vision, he cracked a smile when he saw it was Craig. He quickly unlocked his window and pushed it open.

Craig nodded at him and threw his bag in first, causing Y/ns smile to fall a little in confusion. Once Craig got inside and the window was closed, Y/n got to asking the usual question he always asked when they hung out.

"Cloud 9?"

That was there little obvious code word for wanting to get high, and of course as always, Craig nodded. Y/n never really asked questions, it's not that he didn't care about Craig or whatever he was going through, but he would rather have the monotoned teen explain it for himself.

Craig took off his coat, the heat from the house being to much to handle. He sat down on the bed and watched as his best friend grabbed a box from his desk drawer, he opened it and got out some pre rolled joints, looking almost surprised that he had them.

He grabbed the lighter that was sat beside them and tossed them over to the raven haired teen. Craig caught them and waisted no time in getting into the mood.


It had taken a total of an hour for the two teens to get high, and it didn't take them long to 'sneak' into the kitchen and grab some liquor that Y/ns parents kept in a locked cabinet. They sat in Y/ns room giggling and talking about the most random things.

"You know, my dad—he kicked me out cuz he found me watching gay porn—"

Craig slurred his words, taking a swig of his drink. Y/n nodded and got a smile on his face all of a sudden.

"So...your dad...kicked you out for jacking to dudes?"

Craig nodded and took a drag, putting it down on the ash tray beside them. Y/n snickered and shrugged, grabbing it and taking his own drag of it before putting it down and saying something out.

"Fuckin weird. I mean so what? I've though about kissin a dude once more twice—"

Craig seemed to sober up for just a second. He didn't know Y/n was gay, then again there wasn't any reason to tell each other that they were, or even thinking about it. He shook the thought away and let his mind slip back into the wonderful high that he was supposed to be in.

"Wanna try?"

Craig muttered, causing Y/n to laugh. The h/c teen shrugged and took a drink of the liquor that he had taken from his parents, hissing a little at the burning feeling that ran down his throat. Craig had forgotten what he said the moment it came out, but Y/n seemed to remember.

"Sure, why the fuck not."

Y/n laughed, putting the bottle down and sitting up. Craig watched as Y/n pushed away the items that blocked their pathway to each other. Craig took another drag before setting it down beside him, not making a move when Y/n came closer and closer.

In the blink of an eye, Craig felt himself being pushed down and Y/n getting on top of him. Y/ns lips felt like clouds, maybe that was because Craig was higher than the sun, but he swore they did. Their kiss was sloppy, the both of them not making much effort in making it romantic.

This wasn't supposed to be romantic, so why would it matter? Craig put his hands on the other teens waist, holding him there in case he tried to pull away, but he didn't. Y/n groaned as he felt himself get higher and higher, but now from a different kind of feeling.

He yelped suddenly when Craig flipped them both over, now being be one on top. Y/n snickered and felt Craig start to litter his face and neck with sloppy kisses. He felt his skin start to tingle as Craig found a great spot for a hickey to be placed.


Y/n hummed out, tugging off his best friends hat and throwing to to the side of them, now finding his hands on Craigs neck, holding him in place. The feeling of Craigs warm hands going underneath Y/ns shirt and feeling around his chest made him groan.

Craig pulled away with a doped up look on his face as he gave what little smile he could. They both broke out into laugh. Craig flopped down beside Y/n and looked up the ceiling.

They both laid in silently for a few minutes before Y/n looked over at Craig, smirking at him.

"Wanna do it again?"

Craig looked over to him.

"Hell yeah, dude."

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