15- Kyle

586 21 1

- Alone, almost. (Fluff)
- Teen AU
* Having writers block rn so it's not the best, apologies for that :/

 (Fluff)- Teen AU* Having writers block rn so it's not the best, apologies for that :/

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Y/n awoke to the sound of his phone going off, he groaned and reached over to grab it. His boyfriend, Kyle, muttered something under his breath and turned over, putting a pillow over his ears.

Y/n shut off his alarm and flopped back down on his bed, sighing as he felt his muscles adjust to the mattress once more. It was more than a few minuets later when it went off again.

"Shut it off...!"

Kyle whisper yelled, smacking Y/n with the pillow he had used to cover his head. Y/n scoffed and grabbed his phone, looking at the bright screen with his tired eyes. It was his alarm, more specifically, his second alarm for school.

He hated to wake up so early, and it wasn't the best when he and his boyfriend, Kyle, had stayed up the whole night watching tv and poking fun at Y/ns brother, Eric. He ignored the phone and threw it to the other side of the room, of course making sure that no other alarms were going to go off before hand.

He turned over and put an arm around his Jewish boyfriend, Kyle lazily put his hand behind him and onto Y/ns arm, holding him in place for as long as he could before he started to slip off into sleep land once again.


"Eric, dear? Would you please go and get your brother for breakfast?"

Cartman scoffed and was about to make a fuss when Liana furrowed her brows at him and squinted her eyes. Cartman wasn't usually afraid of his mother, but she had long grown tired of her sons crap so early in the morning.

Cartman got up from the table and walked over to the stairs, grumbling the whole way about how he hated his life. He stopped walking when he got to Y/ns door, he quickly burst open the door and yelled for his twin to wake up.

Instead of Y/n waking up and yelling at Eric to leave him alone like he usually did, it was Kyle who sat up and hissed at Cartman as if he was a cat. Eric's eyes widened as he gasped the whole room into his mouth.

"Kayl?! What the hell?!"

Y/n groaned and grabbed a pillow, chucking it at Eric's face with an annoyed look. Eric let the pillow hit his face, too shocked to even care about the pillow.


Eric's screams rang through the house, as they often did every single day. Kyle ignored him and gave him the middle finger, laying back down behind Y/n. Y/n sat up and stared at his brother.

"Get out, fatass!"

Eric made a gagging sound before he quickly left the room, yelling all the way down the stairs for their mother. Y/n grumbled and laid back down, putting an arm over Kyle once more. The ginger teen scoffed and tried to fall back asleep. He almost smiled at the yelling he heard from Cartman downstairs.

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