12- Marjorine

494 14 3

: Dresses (Angst / Fluff)
: TW / Hinting at abuse
* Not one of my best works since currently I'm going through a writers block lol, anyways, here you go!

: Dresses (Angst / Fluff): TEENAGE AU: TW / Hinting at abuse* Not one of my best works since currently I'm going through a writers block lol, anyways, here you go!

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Y/n peered over to Marjorine. She was beautiful, her short blond hair and her hello kitty shirt paired with her pink skit was a sight to see.

Another thing stood out, on her left eye was a mark. Besides the scar that sat there, there was a purplish red mark.

Marjorine said nothing, she just looked down at her comic book and stayed quiet. When she had invited Y/n over to her house, she was happy, but now she seemed nervous and sad.

Y/n scooted a little closer and put his hand on the blond girls hand. Marjorines hand shook a little and her eyes started to water in an instant. She put her comic book down and looked at Y/n.

Y/n furrowed his brows and wrapped the blond on a tight hug. Marjorine whimpered and sobbed into Y/ns shoulder, turning herself so they could be more comfortable.

"What's wrong?"

Marjorine hiccuped and held on tighter, as if to make sure the other teen wouldn't let go. Y/n held her just as tight, wanting to ensure her that he wasn't going anywhere. Marjorine sniffled and brought her head to the side, getting more air.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it."

Y/n nodded and said nothing more. If Marjorine didn't want to talk about it, then there was no reason at all to continue.

"Marjorine? Do you wanna do something to get your mind off of it?"

Marjorine picked up her head and looked at Y/n, curious on what he had in mind. Y/n smiled and reached into his back pocket, digging around for that 20 bucks he made from work.

He showed it to Marjorine. She looked at it, then back to him.

"What would you do with that?"

Y/n got up and pulled Marjorine with him. She tripped a little and then smiled.

"Let's go to the mall...? I heard they got some cool new pc games."

Marjorine blushed a little and nodded. Y/n grabbed her hand and took off out the bedroom door. Marjoine followed him with a big smile.

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