4 - Wendy

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: Its ok! (Fluff)
: I hope i gave this idea justice!!

Y/n looked sadly to the ground as he heard the words leave the blond girls mouth

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Y/n looked sadly to the ground as he heard the words leave the blond girls mouth. She had rejected him, and it was brutal. Bebe tried to make it seem like she might date him later on, but it was clear that she meant what she said.

So now its been a few days, and the constant laughter from the guys were not helping. Y/n couldn't walk in the school without being looked at and literally talked about. After about a day everyone seemed to not care, but Cartman was all over him.

With all this commotion, it was bound to reach no one other than Wendy Testaburger.


"Y/n! Someones here to see you!"

Y/n heard his (parent) call from downstairs. He sighed and got up from his bed, groggily going to his door and going to the livingroom. He half expected to it be Stans gang, but it wasn't. There in front of him was a familiar raven haired girl.

"Hi, Y/n..."

She said with a smile. Y/n straightened himself up immediately and tried to seem like he wasn't just laying in his room crying his eyes out, though the red puffy eyes might disagree. Y/ns (parent) looked between them and patted their sons back.

"Be back by dinner, Y/n."

Y/n nodded and waited a second for them to leave. Wendy said her goodbyes and then awkwardly stood there for a second before talking.

"I was wondering if you wanted to...come see a movie with me?"

Y/n quickly nodded and looked around for his f/c jacket, putting it on in a hurry. Wendy watched and giggled a little. When Y/n found it and put it on, he yelled goodbye to his (parent) and opened the door for Wendy, who just smiled and took her leave.


Wendy had a way to get rid of problems, Y/n was feeling better than ever. Know he knew why Stan liked her so much, she was truly everything anyone needed to lift their spirits. Although she was tough as well.

"Hey uh...thanks for...helping me out."

Y/n felt embarrassed now than anything. He could hear the gang in the back of his mind, telling him it was dumb a girl was making him feel better. But he put that out of his mind for the time being.

Wendy smiled at him.

"Its no problem! I'm glad i helped."

They stayed in silence for a moment, smiling at each other. Soon enough Wendy went forward and hugged the h/c boy softly. Y/n blushed and hugged her back slightly. She pulled away and smiled at him once more.

"Don't worry about Bebe ok? Im sure... plenty of the girls like you..."

Wendy sounded a little unsure, but she kept her softer tone regardless. Y/n nodded slightly. Maybe Wendy wasn't all that bad.

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