9 - Call Girl

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: I'll heal you! (Fluff)
: Set in a world where they are real superheroes.
: H/n = Hero name

: H/n = Hero name

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H/n would admit to only himself that working with Call Girl was way better than working with the Freedom Pals. She was a lone wolf for sure, and seemingly the presence of a boy in her views was a little off putting, but after a while of working together, H/n and Call Girl had become almost inseparable.

They worked together on almost every mission, and H/n would admit that he felt a surge of love when Call Girl tended to his wounds. He hid it well, or at least he assumed he did, but of course with how smart Call Girl is, she knew something was going on.

This was no different, except for the placement of his wound. H/n had been in a heated battle with some villain, not caring about the name of a low life...and acquired a stab wound on his outer thigh. He swore to Call Girl he was fine and could handle it himself, but her glare made him quiver and give in.

Laying on the couch, H/n had taken off his suit and looked away as Call Girl grabbed her medical supplies and got started on healing him. The idea alone that he was just sitting there in his (boxers/briefs) was nerve racking enough, but the stab wound also hurt like a bitch.

"Hold still, im going to clean it."

The worst part of it all was when Call Girl cleaned the wound. She was rough, and H/n could never tell if that was on purpose or that she didn't know her own strength. H/n bit down on his hand as she cleaned it. feeling like she was cleaning the inside as well as the outside.

When she finished, Call Girl softly patted her hand on H/ns knee, giving him a very short break before she bandaged it all up. H/n felt a blush creep on his face, though Call Girl couldn't see it since he was facing away from her.

H/n felt her heavy but comforting hand start to wrap up the wound, lifting his leg ever so slightly as to get the wrap underneath him. Call Girl hummed as she did this, also speaking to herself about something as she finished, H/n heard none of it. When she finished, she got up from the couch and closed the first aid kit that laid on the table in front of them.

"Stay laying down, alright?"

Call Girl gave her partner a glare to help keep him in place. H/n nodded quickly and finally looked over in her direction. Call Girl smiled at him and stepped a little closer to his face, now only an inch away.

H/n felt himself go red, and he swore her face was pinker than usual as well. Call Girl set a quick kiss on H/n's forehead and speeded off into the other room. H/n stayed in place, then cracked a smile in disbelief.

"Maybe i should get hurt more often..."

He cheered for himself silently.

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