14- Craig

641 19 3

: Spaceman! Look out! (Fluff)
: Spaceman Craig AU / Alien Y/n AU
: A/n = Alien name

The stars were beautiful, the dark of space made them light up more so than usual. Craig soaked up the view and went back to fixing his ship.

He heard a sudden click noise, signaling that someone was calling him on the radio. He heard one of his friends, Clyde calling for him in a bored kind of tone.

"Spaceman Craaaaig? Are you finished yet?"

Craig rolled his eyes and tightened a bolt on the side of their ship. He sighed in relief that he was finished and closed up the panel so nothing would get harmed.

Once he turned around, he saw a very faint outline of someone in the distance. He squinted his eyes and looked as hard as he could. Suddenly the figure ran away, as if it just now realized Craig was looking at it.

"Craig? Are you done? We need to leave,"

Tolkiens voice came on the radio now, he seemed more stern now than usual. Craig ignored him and started to float over to where he had seen the creature. This might be some sort of Alien. Craig was always fascinated with the idea of them.


The radio started to get more staticky, meaning the signal was being lost the further Craig went on. Ignoring it, the raven haired astronaut continued to follow the very fast creature.

"Uh, wait!"

Craigs monotoned voice echoed through space, sounding a lot more terrifying than he had meant it to. It seemed to capture the attention of the creature however, since it stopped for a second to check around for the voice, before going back to running.

It was strange. Craig could only float around in hopes of catching it, but this creature seemed to be running like a human on land. Craig's curiosity started to become stronger at the new notice.

This was definitely an alien of some sort, and it seemed to be...native...? To this planet. Soon enough the creature bolted into a small cave looking structure, the rocks from the planet acted like the bricks of a house it looked like.

Craig lowered himself to the ground the best he could and peaked inside. A sudden fear went through him, wondering if this was a bad idea. Then again, if he was able to get evidence of an alien, his crew surely would beat Stan's crew for eternity.

"I uh, come in...peace...!"

Craig was unsure what to say, it's not as if he'd been in this situation before. A sound could be heard inside, and it seemed like something was getting closer to the entrance. Craig floated back a little and waited.


A voice spoke from inside. It's voice was so strange, like it was placed through a voice modifier.

"Yeah, peace."

Craigs tone of voice intrigued the creature. It came forward and glared at Craig with its large eyes. Craig almost gasped at the sight, not expecting it to look so...not alien like...it was nowhere near the look of the aliens you see in movies and tv shows.


Craig said aloud. The alien backed away a little, it didn't understand what Craig was saying. Craig took a second to boost to himself about how awesome this find was, before clearing his throat.

"What are you?"

He asked. The creature hummed to itself and thought of what Craig had meant. It took a minute before he tried to say something that Craig did not understand at all.

"Uhm, what?"

The creature showed annoyance. It understood a little bit, not all of it though. Craig rolled his eyes and tried to think of something basic to say, something this creature would hopefully understand or have an idea of.


He pointed at the creature. The alien furrowed it's non existent brows and looked down at itself, the back to Craig. It pointed to him in the same tone.

"I'm Craig. A human."

The creature took a second then nodded, getting a little smile on its face for whatever reason. The look of it freaked Craig out a little bit, he didn't expect the aliens teeth to be a little sharp.


Craig nodded and smiled widely. This finding was amazing for sure, and no doubt would his friends think it was also. The alien slowly stalked out of its home and stood in front of Craig, now comfortable enough to examine him.

A/n soon hummed and poked at Craigs helmet, making him flinch ever so slightly. The human chased its hand away when it tried to go back in for another poke.

"Don't do that! That's how I breath, dude."

A/n squinted it's eyes at the human and nodded. Still understanding what he was saying, but he knew the obvious sign that Craig wasn't happy about what he was doing.


Craigs eyes widened at the alien. It's voice had changed from alien filter, so a human within seconds. Craig wouldn't lie, this freaked him out. If this creature could pretend to have a human voice, and looked so different from tv aliens, what would that mean?

Just as he was about to ask about this, he heard his speaker cut in an out once again. The aliens eyes went wide as it backed away slowly from Craig. The spaceman tried to shut it off and calm the other entity down, but A/n had taken off.

Craig groaned and continued trying to tap at his helmet.


The voice sounded worried, although he couldn't tell who's voice it was—he did feel bad about making them worry so much. He sighed as he watched the alien run away and into another cave like place.

Maybe he could come back at some point. Craig nodded to himself and headed back to the spaceship and his friends.

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