6 - Human Kite

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: Dude, what happened? (Fluff)
: H/n = Hero name / S/p = Super power

: This isn't all the way Superhero AU, its still viewed as a game

H/n felt himself get hit once more, and this time it was a punch in the gut, literally

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H/n felt himself get hit once more, and this time it was a punch in the gut, literally. He would have to get on that other kid about the rules later on, but for now all he wanted to do was run back to his fort.

Call him a baby if you want, but H/c knew he would get 'healed' there. He ignored the yelling behind him from his teammates and the villain he was fighting, and continued on home.

"Hey wait up dude!"

H/n heard his partner by the name of Human Kite call for his name, and he almost sounded worried. That was unlike the Human Kite, or at least most of the time. The Human Kite continued following H/n to his fort.


The Human Kite was out of breath.

"What the... hell happened?"

H/n looked over to his fellow hero and held his stomach in pain, Human Kite looked at his stomach for a moment before rolling his eyes and scoffing.

"No way they did it again! This is the second time we had to tell those kids the rules!"

Human Kite went over and inspected where his partner got hit, he frowned a little and softly touched H/ns stomach. The h/c hero hissed and hit Human Kites hand away. The ginger rolled his eyes again.

"Well, I'll uh....go handle them then. You stay here and heal, okay?"

H/n nodded and watched as his partner left back to the battle. The ginger hero wasn't always so caring when it came to things, but something seemed to change a little this time around.

H/n went inside his fort and to the kitchen, hoping that he had something already made that could heal him back before the fight ended. It would be a pain if he couldn't join back in, especially since he was the leader of his group.


After a successful healing session, H/n was back in no time to the battle, but when be arrived it seemed that it was already over. Human Kite came over looking tired but very pleased with himself.

"I...I defeated the...villains..."

He said out of breath. H/n took a look at the other heros outfit, and it looked like it was ripped to hell and back. It had been a very rough battle. The Human Kite looked happy though, even as he held his ripped apart kite that usually laid on his back.

"Uh, thanks for avenging me...dude..."

H/n said with a worried tone. The ginger nodded and took a deep breath, trying to catch whatever air he could at the moment. He gave H/n a thumbs up and smiled a little.

"No problem dude...!"

They stood in silence for a moment.

"You wanna come to my fort and watch tv?"

H/n asked awkwardly. The Human Kite took a second to answer, but then nodded and stood up straight, stretching a little.

"Sure, but i gotta be back home ina few hours."

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