10- Kyle

846 17 4

: Sleep over (Fluff)
* I am so tired rn lmao, also I forgot to say HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! Love you all ❤️

Y/n yawned and set aside his controller, laying back on the floor as he heard Kyle muttering something about him losing again. Kyle looked over to the other boy and frowned a little.

"Why are you always so tired, dude?"

Y/n shrugged and sat back up, stretching out his arms in an attempt to wake him up a little. It wasn't that late at all, it was only 9 or so at night. Y/n had been tired all day, and maybe that could partly be from not sleeping the night before...

"Can we go to bed, Ky?"

Kyle cringed at the nickname but ignored it. He wanted to whine about it and honestly call Y/n a pussy for wanting to sleep so early—but since it was already 9, there was no doubt his mother would be coming down any minute to tell them to go to bed anyways.

"Yeah, whatever dude."

Y/n silently thanked him and slowly got up from the floor. Kyle followed, but much faster than the other boy. While Y/n was grabbing his stuff, Kyle went around to turn off the kitchen light and put his game console away, the last thing he wanted was his mother to wake him up really early to clean.

Once everything was ready to go, Y/n followed the ginger boy up the stairs and to his room. Kyle turned on his light and closed the door. Y/n put his things down on Kyles dresser and then laid down on the floor where his sleeping bag was.

Kyle sighed and went to his closet, looking for his Terence and Philip shirt to change into. He made sure the other boy was facing the other way before he quickly changed shirts.

Kyle turned off his light and climbed onto his bed, flopping down face first into his pillow. He heard Y/n laugh a little.

"Your tired too, huh?"

"Shut up, I'm not..."

Y/n hummed and sat up, looking over at Kyle with a little smile on his face. Kyle felt his face heat up a little but he only rolled his eyes and pushed Y/ns face away with his hand.

Y/n scoffed in a joking manner and laid back down.

"Goodnight, Ky..."


Kyle turned over and looked up at his ceiling. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. He replayed the use of his new nickname in his head, and he couldn't help but smile a little. Maybe it wasn't so annoying, and maybe even if just a tiny bit, he enjoyed it.

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