Chapter 30

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As I walk through the front door, I notice Demi is sat at the bottom of the stairs. I close the door and lock it before she looks up at me, an unreadable look on her face. A small and shy smile is sent her way but her expression doesn't change. I look down at the floor feeling a little confused as to why she's acting like this but I can't dwell on it, I really need to shower. I walk over to the stairs expecting Demi to move but she doesn't, "Can you move a little please, I really need to go shower." I asked her. She still hasn't said anything this entire time. She nods and shifts to one side allowing me to climb the stairs.

I walk into my room, dropping my bag down and kick off my shoes. I grab some clean pyjamas as well as a towel, throwing my phone on my bed and head into my bathroom. Placing down my clothes on the counter, I start the shower. I face the mirror and strip myself of my current clothes, stepping into the now hot shower. I stand there for a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of the water cascading over my body before washing my hair, washing my body and shaving. 

Once done, I turn off the water and step out. Drying off my body before wrapping my hair up in my towel, I get dressed.

 Drying off my body before wrapping my hair up in my towel, I get dressed

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I walk back into my room to blowdry my hair. I sit down at my vanity, plug in my hairdryer and remove the towel from my head. Running my brush through hair, I detangle it and section it. I spend about 10 minutes drying my hair and when I'm done, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I stand and go open it, Demi looks down at me and a slight blush appears on her checks,  "Hey uhm can we talk?" She asks. I nod and invite her in, closing the door behind us. We sit on my bed and I move my phone to my bedside table before either of us spoke.

It stays quiet for a few moments, "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask breaking the silence. Demi takes a deep breath and folds her hand in her lap, "Well uhm, first off I wanna say you did really good in your match tonight." she starts. I smile and thank her before she continued, "So the main reason I wanted us to talk is because I've been doing a lot of thinking since your text earlier and I'm not gunna lie, it kinda confused me a little but when it got to the end of your match and you looked at the camera like you said for me to watch out for..." She pauses and takes a shaky breath, I reach out and grab one of her hands in one of mine; giving it a reassuring squeeze.

She looks up and we make eye contact, "When you blew that kiss and winked, it got me thinking more about my feelings for you and I'd be lying if I said they haven't gotten stronger. Over the past couple of months that we've known each other, I have slowly fallen head of heels for you and I couldn't keep that hidden from you any longer." she finishes and looks back down at her hands; one of which I am still holding. A wide smile graces my lips and I shuffle closer to her. Removing my hand from hers, I cup both of her cheeks making her look at me. I gazed into her alluring blue eyes, "Remember when you first knocked on my door and welcomed me to the neighbourhood." I asked and she nodded, "For the week following that day, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were and still are the most beautiful, breathtaking and absolutely stunning women I have ever met. When our pathes crossed again after my debut match and it finally clicked in my head who you were, I couldn't believe we would be working together."

She looked a little confused by this so I explained, "When my parents died almost four years ago, I couldn't bare the thought of doing the things I used to do with them. I still kept watching WWE but it was never the same. So I slowly started to loose interest but that all changed when I saw your debut on RAW. Watching your matches was what reignited my love for wrestling, it also inspired me to start working out more and training. That's how I met Gunner, he spotted me in one of his friends classes and saw a lot of potental I guess because about six months later, he got me a meeting with the management team at NXT UK. Another month went by and I get a call saying I got offered a contract." I smile up at her and finished off by saying, "I have looked up to you ever since and have strived to follow my childhood dreams. My entire wrestling career is basically thanks to you. Not only that but the past couple of months of us becoming friends has saved me in so many ways. Like you, my feelings for you have grown so much more than I thought possible in the short time we've known one another but I never want them to stop." She had started to cry as I was speaking so I tenderly wiped them away with my thumbs, "You have become my everything Demi Bennett and I never want to let you go."

Even I had started to tear up by the end of my little speech but every word I spoke was the truth. Demi places her hands on my wrists and sweeps her thumbs over the back of my hands. "You are the reason my heart beats; The reason I laugh; The reason I smile. You are my today, my tomorrow and, if you'll have me, my forever." She says as she rests her forehead against mine. I giggle a little and nod my head, "I do have one question though." I ask to which she nods. "Will you be mine?" I ask pulling back enough to see her face but instead of giving me a verbal answer, she leans forward and eliminates the remaining space between us - which really wasn't much - and kisses me. I kiss back almost immediately and drop my hands from her face, opting to wrap them around her neck instead. Her hands wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer to her.

We stay like that for a couple of minutes until we have to pull back for air. "Wow." We both say, causing us to giggle. "I'll take that as a yes then." I tease, still giggling and she nods. We crawl under the covers of my bed and cuddle up together, falling into a comfortable silence. We fall asleep not long after.

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