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Tucker did good on whatever promise he had made that day. IAB did a very thorough investigation of Elliot and Liv's personal life, even the new divorce and Ethan was put under the microscope. Elliot would have been embarrassed if Liv hadn't have been there for him. To know that one night created Ethan, then another night stole his mother had gotten to him. He often would watch Ethan as he slept, thinking of that night. He wished it was Liv that night. Rachel Harvel was a pretty woman, but she wasn't Liv. He felt guilty for what he had done to Kathy, the way she found out. She deserved better than that.  

Liv and Elliot still had to bring Ethan in. Maureen and Kathleen had jobs and college, Lizzie had school still, and DIckie didn't even care he had a second brother. The squad room was littered with tells of a baby spending days there, which infuriated the Brass. However Cragen did what he stated and pulled every string he could. Liv and Elliot were free to date and raise the baby, mostly since Ethan was Elliot's anyway, however they had to go to independent psychoanalysts every six months to maintain that they weren't lagging professionally. 

Elliot hated that rule, but they were able to stay together, which made him happy. Liv was the best mother to Ethan, and they were talking about trying for a sibling for Ethan. They didn't want to rush it, though. They just got Ethan. 

Crying broke Elliot out of his trans reading the same report three times. Ethan was crying in his bouncer, looking at him with his big begging eyes. "What's the matter, buddy?" He asked going to his son. Ethan raised his arms up, signalling his need to be held. 

Elliot held him as he stopped crying momentarily. He looked around the squad room, then started crying again. Confused, Elliot checked his diaper quickly. He wasn't heavy or stinky, and he didn't need a bottle yet. His nap wasn't for another hour, the only thing he could think of was the fact that Liv had gone out with Fin to interview someone on Rachel's rape/murder.

"Mommy's out right now buddy, she'll be back." Ethan pouted as he listened to Elliot humm as he bounced him. Then the phone rang,  "Stabler."

M.E results on the rape case came back to a Tyler Stout from Brooklyn. Rap sheet said minors in assault from three years ago. "Hey, Liv. M.E. called, ask them about a Tyler Stout. That's whose fluids were found in Rachel." He stated as he glanced at a crying Ethan. "Hey, say hi to Ethan, he misses you," he held the phone to Ethan's ear and waited. For several moments, Ethan's eyes grew happy and he stopped crying. Then when he took the phone back, he smiled at Ethan. "Thanks, he's not the only one who misses you," he stated lowly. 

Cragen was watching Elliot as he hung up with Liv. He knew it was Liv because his demeanor changed. He seemed all smiles. Elliot had offered to stay on desk duty for a few weeks until Summer vacation had started. Lizzie offered to watch Ethan during the day, and Elliot agreed. Dickie seemed to hate Elliot and everything he touches. He didn't know if they would ever get over that. 

"Elliot," Cragen called as Elliot went to get a cup of coffee, Ethan still on his hip. 

"Yeah, Cap?" Elliot took as sip and sat the cup down out of Ethan's reach. "No, none for you. One coffee addict in this family is enough." Ethan giggled and clapped his hands together. 

"One PP and IAB wants to extend an apology in regards to Tucker's outburst. It could have been handled with a little more ease of hands." Cragen stated. 

Elliot shrugged and handed a toy to Ethan to mess with. "It's fine. As long as I have Liv, my job, and my kids, I don't think I need much more." 

Cragen nodded. "Well, they want to offer you a raise and a new apartment close to the precinct. Its government owned and as long as you work here, that apartment is yours." 

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. A raise and a bigger apartment? "How many bedrooms?"

"Its the penthouse suit in the apartment building two blocks down. Big enough for a football team of Stablers." He almost whispered. Ethan laughed as he threw the toy and it hit Cragen in the chest. 

Elliot looked at Ethan with a sly grin. "Sir, you just assaulted a police officer. I'm gonna have to cuff you," Elliot said in a light tone, starting to tickle Ethan. Cragen picked up the toy and handed it back to Ethan. Clearing his throat, Elliot nodded. "I'll talk to Liv about it."

They were officially moving. Liv could hardly believe it. The Brass actually apologized to Elliot and offered an apartment that they weren't gonna have to pay for, which meant they could save money and spoil their kids. Kid. Not plural. 

"I can't believe it. The place is beautiful, Elliot. I was there once very early on, and I knew I could never afford it." Liv hadn't stopped talking since they had packed. The moving van was down stairs loaded with all the furniture. The only thing was to start driving. 

"Only thing wrong," Elliot stated as they started walking down the stairs. "We can't claim to be late because of traffic anymore when we're really having sex and the time gets away from us."

Liv swatted Elliot's butt lightly as they both laughed. Liv shook her head as Ethan smiled at her. She didn't know she would fall so hard for him. When Elliot was reviled as the father, Liv was shocked, but at the same time was relieved. She had to give Calvin up, she didn't think she could give up this boy. 

"Cragen was the one that said there were enough rooms for a football team of Stablers, so we'll just say we were making a football team," she responded as she buckled Ethan in. 

Elliot came around and trapped her by the car as she was about to close the door. "When can we make a Stabler?" He asked, kissing her neck. She stifled a groan and pushed him away. 

"Not now," she simply stated. They had been so busy with Ethan and work they hadn't had any time for themselves. It definitely sucked.   

They had just gotten the furniture in the house when Liv's phone rang. "Benson."

She listened intently for a while. Elliot was busy unpacking Ethan's bed when Liv snapped her fingers at him. "We'll be right there." She hung up and looked seriously at Elliot. "Dickie was just arrested for aggravated assault at school."

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