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Liv and Elliot worked opposite each day for a week before they found Lucy. She was still young, but Maureen had suggested her from her classes in child development in college. Ethan loved Lucy, almost making Liv jealous. Dickie had finally become well enough to go back to school and head back home with Kathy, leaving Eli and Ethan the only ones at Elliot and Liv's apartment. 

They loved the freedom again. Ethan and Eli would be in bed by eight and they would have some alone time each night. They had a lot to make up for in the time that all the kids were staying with them. 

It was a Friday morning. Liv was already up and making a cup of coffee for herself when she had the sudden urge to vomit. She set her cup down in a hurry and rushed to the bathroom where Elliot was in the shower. She rushed to throw up in the toilet which earned a worried glance from around the curtain from Elliot. "Liv, what's wrong?"

She didn't answer right away. Her head was still in the toilet throwing up. She groaned as she fell to the side and clutched her stomach. "Liv," Elliot called, turning the water off and stepping out, dripping wet. She barely heard him, or even knew where she was. Elliot felt her forehead and cheeks. "You're burning up, Liv." He left the bathroom quickly to find his phone, ignoring the water dripping everywhere. 

He dialed Cragen first. "Hey, Captain, I'm taking Liv to the hospital. She's throwing up and very hot." 

"Okay Elliot. Keep me informed."  Cragen said before he hung up. 

Elliot dressed and called ahead to the hospital to expect them while throwing on some random clothes. He called Lucy and told her to meet them at the hospital before gathering Eli and Ethan up. Ethan was on one hip, Eli walking behind him, while Elliot helped Liv up off the floor. He had a slightly difficult time getting two kids and a loopy girlfriend to the car, but he was able to do it. Liv was so out of it, she was moaning something about her mother calling her yesterday. 

Once Elliot got to the hospital, he quickly pulled up at the ambulance entrance and called in that he needed a stretcher. Nurses rushed to his car to help Liv onto the stretcher. Elliot watched her go before going to park and get the boys out of the car. Ten minutes later Lucy came to take the boys out for breakfast. 

"Thanks Lucy," Elliot breathed.

Lucy smiled at Elliot. "Not a problem. Keep me informed." She turned and left with the boys. Once she was out of view and Elliot was left alone with his thoughts, he started to worry. What if she died? He'd loose the best thing that has happened to him since his kids birth. 

An hour later, a petite nurse came out to show him back to Liv. She was more lucid than when he left her. He went to her and kissed her forehead, thanking God for protecting her. "The doctor will be here in a moment to talk to you two," the nurse stated before leaving. 

"How are you?" Elliot asked, taking her hand in his. 

She groaned in response with a laugh. "Does that answer your question?" 

Elliot looked into her eyes with a loving smile. "You scared me," he said quietly, as if he didn't want anyone to know that he was capable of being scared. 

Liv went to respond, but the doctor knocked on the door and came in. "Hello, Miss Benson, I'm Dr. Lang. I've got some good news for you and some bad news." He barely looked up from his clipboard for a few moments. Elliot and Liv exchanged a glance before he put his clipboard down and looked at Elliot. "Hello, you are?"

"Elliot Stabler, boyfriend," Elliot said in a protective voice. 

Dr. Lang gave a slight nod of acceptance before focusing back to Liv. "Now, the good news is congratulations you are pregnant." He paused to let that news sink in. Liv gasped and laughed to herself in happiness. Elliot grinned and bent down to kiss her. "However, one of the babies didn't make it."

"So, we have just one baby?" Elliot asked, a little downhearted at the news of loosing a child. 

The doctor shook his head. "No, you were pregnant with quadruplets, which is 4 babies, however one didn't make it, so its triplets."

Liv looked awestruck. She had triplets growing inside of her? She placed a hand gently on her stomach and closed her eyes for a moment. She couldn't believe it. Elliot placed his hand over hers and they locked eyes. "I love you," he whispered, forgetting that Dr. Lang was there. 

"I love you, too, El." They sat there for a while, talking about the babies before a nurse brought in an ultrasound machine. As Elliot has been through this several times with Kathy, he helped the nurse tell Liv different things and show her their babies. 

Once they left the hospital, they went to the precinct to talk to Cragen. He was the only one that they wanted to tell at the moment about the babies. They walked into his office and closed the door behind them. Cragen looked up at them with their intertwined hands and asked, "Feeling better, Liv?" 

She nodded and exhaled. "Yeah."

"What was wrong?" Cragen asked, setting his paperwork down. 

"Uh, well, remember when you offered the apartment for us and said its big enough for a football team of Stablers?" Elliot asked cautiously. 

Cragen raised an eyebrow and retorted, "Yeah."

Elliot laughed a little and bounced on the balls of his feet. "How would you feel about three more Stablers?" 

"Triplets?" Cragen asked. 

Liv nodded and got out her sonogram. She handed it to Cragen who took a long look with a happy expression. "I'm proud of you two," He said proudly. "How far along are you?"

"The doctor said around 16 weeks." Liv retorted. 

"Well, we will need to inform 1PP before you get to week 24, okay?" Cragen told them. The agreed to wait until they found out the gender, which would be in the next couple of weeks. 

The next two weeks consisted of Liv getting morning sickness at least five times a day. It had become hard to keep the pregnancy from Fin and Munch. Elliot suggested to just tell them, but Liv wanted to wait until after their gender appointment that afternoon. 

"So," Dr. Lang said as he checked the sonogram. He hovered over each baby in turn and took pictures. "It looks like, baby A is a boy, baby B is another boy, and baby C is a girl."


Hello another chapter in a single day. Whoo!!!

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