28 Part Two

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Technically this is chapter 29, but its a part two from last chapter so I thought id keep the chapter 28. 

Happy New Year everyone. I can't want for SVU to restart on January 18th. I don't have live TV but I have peacock and hulu, do you think they will release it at the same time on peacock? I hope so. In other news, I still havent' watched ORganixed Crime. Just as I was going to start, I just finished 24th season of SVU, THEY TOOK IT OFF PEACOCK!!!!! Can you believe it? It was the sole reason I got peacock. 

In other news, I think this story is going to start wrapping up soon. Tell me another Bensler story you all want. 


"Eli, I love you mother differently than I love Liv. Just as my heart is big enough to love all you kids, its plenty big enough to love your mother as well as Liv," Elliot said in a low voice. 

Eli took a deep breath and looked at his father. Elliot tried to keep his voice calm, but inside, he was a mess. He was angry at Kathy for what she was doing to her children. She was putting way too much pressure on Elliot to keep a sole eye on the kids and help each one understand what Kathy was going through. Even with Liv's help, the kids were starting to break. 

"I just want to see her. Its been almost two years, dad. She's missed my birthday. I don't want her to miss a second one," he teared up, covering his face. 

Elliot immediately got up from his chair and enveloped Eli in a hug. Eli started to cry. "I'm sorry," he coughed. 

It took a few moments for Eli to calm down, but the party went on like normal after that. Eli was quiet and stuck close to Elliot for most of it, leaving Liv to get the cake. It was a decent sized cake for the four youngest children to devour while the adults got a a choice of some cookies or a piece of cake from a different cake in the kitchen. 

Cragen and Fin helped set the four youngers ones on the floor under a sheet so there wouldn't be much difficulty cleaning up. The cake was a single layer sheet cake with the birthdates of Ethan, and the triplets on it. As soon as Liv put the cake down, Ryan plunged his hands in with a squeal of happiness. Sean and Via followed. Ethan was a little more timid, but he took a small piece with his hands and started munching on it as well. 

Liv went to stand beside Elliot and Eli and rubbed his back as he watched his youngest kids eat the cake. Everyone was watching from either their place on at the table or sofa. Ethan, who had formed a strong bond with Cragen over the last year from the precinct, toddled over to him with a fistful of cake. He grinned down at the little boy and took a bite of the cake from his hand when offered. 

"Mm, its a great cake," he said with a far away look in his eyes. After Ethan waddled back to the cake to continue eating, Cragen caught Liv and Elliot's eye. 

The party ended quickly  by phone call. An unlucky girl got raped in central park earlier that day. Cragen, Munch, Fin, and Elliot all headed out. Eli kept on pulling Elliot's arm to keep him from going, but Liv gently held him back. 

"He'll be home soon, Eli,"Liv whispered. 

Cragen looked at Liv. She stared back, knowing what he was going to ask. "Liv, you'd better come too, its a little girl."

Lucy volunteered to watch the kids. Maureen, Kathleen, Liz, and Dickie were going to stick around for a while with Lucy to help out. Lucy was grateful for the extra help, she got started on the dishes while the young ones started playing with the new toys they got today. 

"El, we've gotta try to get Kathy sane enough to see Eli. One more birthday without his mom, that boy will retreat into himself," Liv stated as they walked onto the scene of Central Park. THe victim was a 7 year old girl that had been abducted, molested in the bushes, then knocked over the head with a branch. 

Elliot never got a chance to respond. He was told to go check something out that CSU found where the girl was assaulted while Liv went to the girl to talk to her. She was sitting on the bench by the path with the EMT and her mother. The girl's platinum blonde hair was dirty and bloody from the head wound. 

"Hi, my name's Olivia, what's your name?" Liv introduced herself, kneeling down in front of the girl and her mother. "Detective Olivia Benson, ma'am."

The mother nodded, crying herself. The girl looked at Liv, green eyes red from crying. "Ursa," she stammered. 

Liv smiled, "Ursa, that's a very pretty name. Can you tell me what happened?"

Ursa looked at her mother, who nodded. "Go ahead, baby."

"I was walking in the grass, picking up flowers and trying to find a four leaf clover for mommy. Then this tall stinky man yanked me by the arm into the bushes. He tore my skirt, took my panties, and then," she stopped, crying harder. 

Liv felt for the girl. "What happened after that, Ursa?"

"The man did things to me. Hurt me, down there," she whispered. 

"Can you describe the person? Hair, eye color?" Liv got out her notebook to start taking notes. 

Ursa closed her eyes. "Brown eyes, like daddy, but hair like mine."

Liv nodded as she wrote. "Okay, one more question, why was the man stinky?"

"He was smoking. Mommy made daddy quite smoking last year."

"Liv," Elliot called. She said good bye to Ursa and her mother and walked over to Elliot. "CSU picked up a print on the branch. Also some skin cells on it. Perp must have given himself a splinter or two."

"Suspect is a tall man smells like smoke, blonde hair, brown eyes. Pulled from the grass and molested in the bushes here," she reported. She looked over at Ursa hugging her mother. Tears started blurring her vision. 

Suddenly a hand was on her lower back, pulling her in a hug. "You okay?" Elliot cupped her face with his hands. 

She shook her head. "I'm so scared for Via, El. What if something happens to her? Or any of the others?"

Elliot inhaled sharply. "As much as I want to, you can't protect the forever. Eventually, they move on with their own lives." 


I think I'll leave it here for now. I finally have season one of SVU in dvd. now 23 more and 4 more in OC. 

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