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"Dad," Dickie looked at his father in the waiting room. "I'm sorry for accusing you of sleeping with Liv. I just saw you and mom growing farther and farther apart. I was scared," he stated in a hushed tone. Elliot glanced at his son. He had tears in his eyes. The psychiatrist really did help. Dr. Quell had an opening before Maureen's appointment and welcomed him. Elliot had offered to take them himself as an example. 

"Dickie, it's okay, I'm not mad at you. I love you son." Dickie leaned into his father for a hug. 

Ring Ring Ring 

Elliot quickly gave his son a one armed hug before taking his phone out. "Stabler." 

"El, can you pick up some milk and cough medicine. Eli is coughing and we are out of milk. Too many kids wanting cereal," she asked with a laugh. 

"Yeah, got it. Eli running a fever?" Elliot asked, his arm still around Dickie. 

"No, not yet at least. Fingers crossed it's just a cough."

"Okay, we should be home in a couple hours. I love you," Elliot stated calmly. Liv was quiet for a moment, before she said it back. "Sorry, Eli just threw up, looks like he might have a bug. I love you. Be careful and  I'll see you when you get back." 

Cragen had told the couple to take the day off and deal with Maureen and Dickie while FIn and Munch deal with the Waterfront Dragons situation. Elliot hated being put on the back burner when his family was in danger. However, his kids needed him. He needed to show Maureen and Dickie that a therapist isn't a bad thing. 

Maureen came out a few minutes later. "You feel better?" Elliot asked as they headed to the store. She shrugged from the passenger seat. Elliot decided not to pursue the subject. Instead he told Maureen to stay out here with Dickie while he went in to get milk and cough medicine. They didn't acknowledge him. Elliot shrugged and went inside the store. He grabbed a couple of gallons of milk, the children's cough medicine, and decided to bring Liv something special. 

Traveling around the small store, he saw a necklace that spoke to him. It was in a small display case. He called the worker over. The girl looked him up and down, clearly interested. He smiled at her softly as she went to get the keys to open the case. 

"Something for someone special?" She asked in a flirty voice. 

"Yes, my girlfriend. She's at home with the kids, one is sick, so I decided to surprise her with a gift." Elliot explained nervously. 

"How many kids do you two have?" She asked in a high pitched sultry voice. It sent chills down Elliot's spine as he knew she was trying her hardest to flirt. 

"Six," he stated, thinking on the fly. While Liv wasn't the biological mother to any of the kids, she was as much as a mother to them as she could be. Especially to Eli and Ethan. She actually helped Kathy give birth to Eli almost four years ago. As far as Ethan went, since Rachel died, she was going to be his mother. 

"Wow, busy bee," the girl said with a giggle. She twisted her blonde hair with one hand while she handed the necklace to Elliot with the other. 

Elliot thanked the girl, not looking at her obvious attempts to look seductive. His eyes were trained to the rose gold heart with a tiny small most likely fake diamond in the center. It was decently priced, meaning there was a possibility that the diamond was real. Either way, he knew Liv would love it. He paid for his items and left the girl looked very upset with herself. Elliot sighed with relief as he got into the car and headed home. 

"What's wrong, dad?" Maureen asked as they started driving. 

"The girl in the store was trying to flirt with me. Gave me chills," Elliot shrugged. Maureen and Dickie laughed as Elliot rolled his eyes. "Laugh it up you two, but your dad's still got it." He gave them a smile 


As soon as Elliot stepped foot in the apartment, Liz ran to him. She tackled him around his waist in a hug. Elliot looked at Kathleen and Liv following each with a young boy in their arms. Eli was looking miserable in Liv's arm. His poor boy was so sick. 

"What's up?" Elliot asked, wrapping his arms around his daughter. Liz buried her head in his chest, crying. He looked from his daughters, to Liv. Dickie and Maureen glanced at each other wearily. 

"El, Cragen called while you were out. Not long after I called you about the milk and medicine." Liv shifted Eli who had begun to cough and whimper at the pain. "It's Kathy."

Elliot's heart dropped. Even if he didn't love her anymore, she was still the mother to his children. If something happened to her, then he didn't know what exactly he'd do. Maureen and Dickie stared at Liv, their breaths shuddering with fear. 

"What happened?" Elliot asked in a small voice. Swallowing the fear, he patted Liz on the back and waited for Liv to answer. "Liv won't tell us anything." Liz choked out. 

She sighed deeply, clearly upset by the news. Knowing what would happen. "Kathy was raped at her house. They suspect the Waterfront Dragons to have organized the rape. Warner is running the DNA against Dickie's rape."

Liv's words struck Elliot. He forgot Liz was still attached to his waist in a death hug and stumbled. Maureen gasped and teared up as Dickie pushed passed them all to take the milk to the fridge. His head was lowered and he seemed defeated. Liv wanted so bad to go and hug him, however she knew he needed a little space. 

He was that much like his dad. They both sometimes couldn't be consoled and just had to let off some steam. Dickie then went to his room. Liv and Elliot exchanged a glance. They'd talk it over in private and then decide what else to tell the kids. He patted Liz on the back, a sigh for her to let go. She did, and went to her room. 

"Maureen, Kathleen will you two keep an eye on Eli and Ethan for a few moments. Liv and I need to talk." Elliot asked. Liv set Eli on the couch and took the cough medicine from Elliot. She quickly gave him the dosage and covered him up. He sniffed and closed his eyes. Liv kissed his blonde curls and followed Elliot to their bedroom. 

Once they were in their room with the door closed, Liv and Elliot hugged for a long moment. "What happened?" Elliot asked again in a smaller voice than he ever expected. 

They pulled apart and Liv sat on their bed. Elliot watched her struggle to find the right words to describe the attack. "She was apparently followed to the house and two thugs broke in when she was in the shower and raped her. After they raped her they beat her. She's at the Hospital with a few broken ribs, a black eye, and a broken nose. She's currently unconscious. Fin and Munch are running down leads. Cragen will call when she wakes up."

Elliot's eyes teared up and he started to sniff. Kathy was a big part of his life for twenty years. To know that she was going through this and he couldn't do anything to help hurt him. His chest started to tighten as he held back his emotions. The prime emotion, anger. The need to go out and pound skulls was growing. 

"Cragen called me because I texted him saying that you were at a session with Maureen and Dickie." Liv explained softly. Elliot nodded almost absentmindedly. He trusted her completely. Although he still wished he was the one that was called. 

"So, uh, what will we tell the kids?" Elliot asked in a shaky voice. His knuckles were white from clenching his fists. 

Liv got up and walked over to where Elliot was still standing by the door. She took his hand and led him to the bed to sit. He sat stiffly, back straight, jaw clenched. She turned his head to force him to look at her. "Elliot, Kathy will be okay, she's a fighter." 

He nodded, "I know, I'm just trying to keep my anger under control. All I can conceive right now is going to find the people that did this to Kathy and beat them completely senseless." He leaned in for a kiss. She returned the kiss, trying to comfort him as much as possible with it. 

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