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Hi, this is my first author note on this book. Please let people know about this book. I know I'm doing it mostly for me, but please, if you enjoy it then let others know about it and comment. 

I also dont remember how old I said Eli was, but im going to say 4. Ethan is about 4 months old. Liz and Dickie are in high school as seniors. 


It had been two weeks before Kathy was able to go home. Apparently when the rapists had started beating her, her brain swelled causing some severe headaches that the doctors wanted to keep an eye on. She went to her mother's in New Jersey to be taken care of, even though Elliot had suggested coming to his and Liv's apartment to be taken care of by Maureen and Kathleen. Kathy snorted at the thought. 

Elliot knew there was a low chance that Kathy would actually take him up on the offer, but it would have made the older girls feel better about themselves. They hated having police escorts to and from the college, but they understood completely it was for their own safety. Maureen and Kathleen were so ready to get things back to normal. If Elliot was completely honest with himself, he was too. As great as it was having all six of his kids together with him and Liv, he was ready for the house to more empty. 

He'd gotten used to just having Ethan and being able to have sex with Liv at night whenever Ethan was asleep, however with the Waterfront Dragons slowly picking off his family to be raped, his sex life had taken a plunge. Not that he was complaining, okay, maybe he was complaining a little. Eli had finally gotten over his little flu bug, not before passing it on to Liv and Elliot at the same time. 

It was really fun taking care of two boys under five while working at the station house. Cragen had told them to take themselves home before he suspended them for their own safety. They didn't care for that. They hated being taken off cases and being sent home, at least most of the time. 

"El," Liv called from the Kitchen. 

He was in the living room watching Eli play with Ethan. He couldn't wait until Liv and him had a baby of their own. He really wanted a girl, that looked just like her mother, beautiful. When he heard his name, he broke his concentration from watching his youngest sons and got up to head to Liv. 

She was making some lunch for everyone. Simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the older ones, Eli got cut up fruit and veggies to keep him healthy, and Ethan got his bottle. She stopped cutting a strawberry and walked over to him. He stood there by the archway and watch in curiosity as she smiled at him. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. One of his hands went to her cheek, the other to her waist to pull her to him more. It had been so long since they kissed like this. Since Dickie got raped actually, if he thought correctly. He pushed it out of his mind and focused on Liv. He beautiful woman, kissing him. After several minutes in a heated make out session, they pulled apart. Neither wanted to, but Liv swore she heard Liz's door open then shut very quickly. Also, she knew Elliot has a small problem at the moment. 

"What was that for?" He asked, ignoring the painful throbbing in his jeans. Liv's hands went to the waistband of his jeans, she slowly moved them to the front, right above his throbbing problem. He growled lowly in warning as she smiled. 

"It's been a while since we did anything, really. So, I just wanted to show you that I love you," she stated, teasing him as she kissed his neck lightly. 

He tilted his head, leaning fully against the archway, full view of any of his kids that happen to pop out of their rooms. He needed to tell her to stop the teasing and let him retreat to the couch to hide. Liv knew what he needed, but she also knew what he wanted. They couldn't go all the way, but she could have a little fun. She was going stir crazy from the lack of sex, the lack of leads in their case, the abundance of children all at once. She loved the kids, always wanted a family, but she didn't expect them all at once. Even parents needed a break once in a while, right?

Liv bit Elliot's neck hard, enlisting a sharp hiss from him. Her hands traveled to unzip his jeans and release Elliot. He was loosing control. "Liv, we gotta stop. Kids. Everywhere." He breathed out in painful relief as Liv stopped sucking and biting his neck. He was sure he'd have one or two hickeys. Liv's eyes were darker than normal, full of playful lust. 

"I know," she said seductively. She kissed him one more before walking slowly away, her hand slow to lose touch with his hard member. He gripped the archway frame to keep himself still as her touch left him. His eyes had been closed the entire time, taking deep breaths. He was still exposed, and ready, but he couldn't move. 

He heard her chuckle lightly as she moved back to him to tuck him away. As his jeans were zipped back up, he opened his eyes to look at her. She was grinning, pleased with the way she made him weak. He growled low, but before he could respond, Eli came charging in the kitchen, mood ruined. 

"Daddy, Liv, I'm hungry." Eli whined. Liv chuckled and went to grab his fruit and veggie bowl. He took it and smiled in thanks to Liv and went back to playing with Ethan. "Don't give any to Ethan, Eli," Liv called out after him. 

He didn't acknowledge that he had heard Liv, but she knew he had. He was a good little boy. Eli had fallen completely in love with his little brother from the moment he saw him. He was so happy to become a big brother, and not the baby anymore. Several times when Liv was reading him a bedtime story, he would ask if Ethan would ever know what its like to become a big brother. 

Liv never knew how to answer. She knew that Elliot wanted a child with her, but she didn't know exactly when they should try. They hadn't had time to think about it, much less talk about it. She watched as Eli and Ethan played with blocks. She was so intent on watching the two little boys play, she didn't hear Elliot move behind her and wrap his arms around her in a loving hug. 

"What are you thinking?" He asked, kissing her neck softly. He had finally calmed down enough to be able to touch her again. He slowly rocked his body in a music-less dance, sighing deeply. He loved holding her like this. Protecting her, loving her. 

She moaned softly. "When do you want to try for a baby?" 

He halted, turning her to face him. "Whenever you're comfortable with the idea of our baby." 

"It's not that I'm not comfortable with the idea. Its' just, are we moving too fast?" She asked, taking a hold of his hand. 

He looked down at their hands, gently rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. "We've been drooling over each other for over ten years, finally admit feelings, and you think this is too fast." He gave a hearty chuckle. 

"What about the Waterfront Dragons? The case? Kathy?" She asked worriedly. 

"Cragen will get the Waterfront Dragons, we will keep everyone safe. As for Kathy, she's not a factor in this decision." Elliot stated, cupping her face. 

Liv melted into his hand, closing her eyes. "Okay," she simply stated. "Let's have a baby."

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