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Elliot raised his head at the sound of his name. He'd been working overtime on paperwork. He hated being on desk duty, but in another week, Lizzie would be able to babysit Ethan. Dickie was offered up half the babysitting job and money, but he thought it would be best if his sister would do the entire job. Obviously he was still a little guilty about what all he'd said and accused his father of. Although he was slowly letting Elliot back into his life. 

He turned to see Kathy at the entrance to the office. Ethan was squealing with happiness and turning himself in his bouncer. "Kathy, what's wrong?"

She sighed and walked over to him. "Dickie wants to talk to you about something." Elliot looked beyond his ex wife to see their son standing there, more awkwardly than he's ever seen him. Elliot knew that look. He'd seen it on enough victims. 

"Dickie, lets go talk," Elliot stated, picking up Ethan. Kathy looked at Ethan with a mixture of emotions on her face. "Captain," Elliot called. 

Cragen had seen Kathy come in and was on his way to greet her when Elliot had called for him. "What's up Elliot?" Elliot handed him Ethan. 

"Dickie needs to talk to me about something," he said lowly, motioning to Dickie with his head. Cragen looked at the boy and nodded. 

"I'll watch Ethan, go talk to him," Cragen stated, bouncing the boy in his arms as Ethan giggled and fiddled with Cragen's tie. Elliot nodded and motioned for Dickie to follow him. Kathy sighed and sat down at Elliot's desk. 

Dickie and Elliot went back into the interrogation room that they were in last week. After they sat down, Elliot watched his son withdraw into himself. "Dickie what happened?"

He didn't answer. Elliot waited for several minutes before asking, "Were you raped?"Dickie's head shot up to look at his father. Fear was in his eyes, tears threatened to spill. He cleared his throat and shook his head to clear his eyes. 

"Dickie, it's okay, its me, just tell me what's wrong?" Elliot whispered. "I promise I won't get mad."

Hesitantly, Dickie stated, "Tyler's gang members, Waterfront Dragons, they ambushed me on the way to the library after school. Vince Queens held me down, Xander Gordon beat me and raped me. Said it was payback for what I did to Tyler. That my sisters were next."

Calm as he could, Elliot asked, "Have you done a rape kit at the hospital?" 

He shook his head, "No, wanted to tell you first thing. Maureen and Kathleen are at home watching Eli, Mom made them go home. Lizzie is at a friends house." 

Elliot started to panic slightly. "Stay here for a moment." He got up and went to his desk. Kathy looked up at him, crying. She was about to ask something but Elliot stopped her, "Go get everyone and bring them here, NOW."

She wanted to asked what this was about, but decided it was for the best she didn't know. Elliot called Liv. "What's up, El?" She greeted over the phone. She was out with Munch canvassing on a case about sexual abuse of a 15 year old girl. 

"Dickie was raped by Tyler Stout's gang, Waterfront Dragons, two names were given, Vince Queens and Xander Gordon. Call Fin and see what he can dig up about that. Also, he threatened the girls, so Kathy is bringing them to me." 

"Okay, El, I'll call you with what I can find out?" After they hung up, Elliot went back to Dickie, who had been crying. 

Elliot hated seeing his son like this. "Its okay, Dickie, your mom is bringing everyone here, so they wont be able to hurt the girls. You all will stay with Liv and I for a while, until we can get the guys that raped you." Dickie nodded solemnly. "Anything else you can tell me?"

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