Chapter 19

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Hey I've been gone for a while. Sorry about that, but I'm back and working on more. Remember to vote and comment and pass it on. 


Cragen walked over to Elliot. "Elliot, you should get over to the hospital, all of you."

Elliot didn't like the sound of that. Liv, who had walked up to the small group just behind Cragen, gave a small gasp. Ethan cooed at her in response. She held him closer and patted his back, walking back to the car. Elliot was right behind her, Kathleen, Liz, and Eli followed. Maureen groaned lowly as she got up, but went with Kathy. 

The entire waiting room was full, eagerly hoping for good news about Dickie. Several hours had passed, morning was fast approaching. Eli and Ethan had fallen asleep in Liv's arms. Kathy continued to glare at Liv as she watched her youngest son look so peaceful curled into the crook of Liv's arms and not hers. She paced in the hall watching every person with a terrified expression that neared her. Elliot watched Kathy closely, fear and rage shifting on her face with every turn. 

Kathy had originally tried to get Eli to fall asleep on her lap, but he insisted on going to Liv. Elliot saw Kathy's heart break inside her chest, then switch back to rage at Liv. Kathleen and Maureen were glancing at the clock on the wall every five minutes, both tapping their feet nervously. Liz hadn't stopped crying since they got there, and no matter what Elliot tried, she couldn't be consoled. Although her sobs had gotten quieter. 

Another hour later, a tall man wearing a scrubs that were drenched in blood. He pulled his mask down and gave a deep sorrowful sigh. Elliot hoped he was calling some other family even though his was the only one there. "Richard Stabler," he called. Kathy rushed to him, panting heavily, clearly in distress. Elliot walked more calmly over to the doctor. 

"How is he?" Kathy asked in a quivering voice. 

Elliot could feel his daughters surrounding him and their mother, listening close to the doctor. The doctor took one look around and nodded. "He's out of surgery. It barely missed his lung and vital organs. He lost a lot of blood, but he's a strong fighter. We have hope that he will be okay. He's not out of the woods, though. The next 24 to 48 hours will be very tough for him. If he doesn't get an infection."

Kathy made a sound that was a mix of a laugh and a loud cry. She clapped her hands to her mouth to deaden the sound, fresh tears streaming down her face. Liz's sobs grew louder once more and she hugged her mother tightly as she cried. Maureen and Kathleen sniffed and looked relieved as they looked back to Liv who couldn't move due to Eli and Ethan still passed out on her lap. 

"Can we see him?" Kathy asked, completely out of breath. The doctor nodded and motioned for them to follow. Elliot went to grab Eli, who was just starting to stir. Liv stood up, still clutching Ethan, who was the soundest sleeper Elliot has seen. The large family followed the doctor through the twists and turns until they reached the room. The curtains were drawn behind the glass doors. 

Dickie was propped up, pale and sweating. His eye was swollen shut and there were bruising around his neck and chest that disappeared under his hospital gown. His eyes were closed, but Elliot could tell he wasn't asleep. He was panting to hard, in pain, most likely. "Oh, Dickie!" Kathy shouted, startling him. He winced as he twisted. 

Kathy rushed to him and placed a hand on his forehead. She started sobbing again, muttering how sorry she was. Dickie looked at everyone as they walked in. His eyes fell to Maureen, who smiled at her brother and sniffed. "Hey," she greeted, whipping her nose. 

He gave a half smile and replied, "Hey, you okay?"

Maureen nodded, "Thanks to you."

Dickie looked out the window, not answering her. Elliot went to his other side to look at him in the eyes. "You did good, son." 

He started to cry. "I didn't want her to go through what me and mom went through." Elliot set Eli on the foot of the bed and hugged Dickie as best he could without hurting him. 

He cried louder as Elliot kissed his forehead. A nurse came in a few moments later and told us Dickie had to rest. Kathy protested, but Maureen and Kathleen forced her out. Liz grabbed her brothers hand and looked at him with puffy eyes before slowly walking out the door. "You'll be just fine, Dicke," Liv stated, helping Eli down one-handed. 

"Liv," Dickie said hoarsely. Liv looked at Dickie. He seemed so vulnerable, much more than he did when he was raped. "Thanks," he said as he closed his eyes. 

Liv didn't respond as she walked Eli out holding his hand. He was still groggy from sleep and had no idea what was going on. Although he knew not to ask too many questions just yet. Elliot was whispering with Kathy outside the door while the girls walked further away to give them some privacy, whispering themselves. 

"Elliot, I'm gonna stay here. At least for the day." Kathy glanced at Liv leading Eli out for a moment. Her face fell. "Yeah I'm staying. You and Liv go do whatever it is you two do." Kathy walked away, heading for the waiting room again. Elliot watched her go with a annoyed look on his face. 

He ran a hand down his face to calm himself down. Ethan was finally starting to stir after being jostled around for a while and started whimpering. "Here, let me take him for a while," Elliot whispered, taking the small boy. Liv thanked him and lead Eli towards his sisters, who took hold of Eli's other hand and lead him away. "Liv, we will head to the car," Liz stated. 

Liv and Elliot nodded simultaneously. "Thanks, girls," Elliot said lowly. He sighed, bouncing Ethan who had started to cry. "I can't believe this." 

"Neither can I, but Dickie will be okay. He's a fighter, just like his dad." Liv placed a hand on Elliot's faced. He leaned into it and closed his eyes. Elliot heard a scoff and an angry shuffling of feet. He turned and saw Kathy leaving again. "It's okay, El."

Elliot didn't respond. He kissed Ethan's head and took Liv's hand. He headed out to the car where his son and daughters were waiting. The ride home was quiet. They were all worrying about Dickie. "Okay, girls, get some sleep. It's been a hell of a night." Elliot didn't look back as he walked to Ethan and Eli's room. Eli was being carried by Liv after falling asleep again in the car. 

The girls didn't respond as they went to their rooms. They looked dead on their feet as they went. Liv tucked Eli into his race car bed, kissing his forehead. Elliot stared at Liv tucking his son in for a while. He's never felt like his did at that moment. Such love and admiration for her. "Liv," he called to her softly. She looked up at him. He motioned with his head for them to leave. "Let's go to bed, Liv."


I didn't quite know how to end it, but I'm hoping you all liked this chapter. The first one since I took a personal few months. keep reading and pass it on. 

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