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Hello. How many times have you all watched the first 12 seasons of SVU? I'm on my like third or 4th round of watching them. I know I have a problem, but when you love something, you love something. 


It was hard to believe that Olivia was now a mother to three kids of her own. She had started to think before she and Elliot formally got together that she'd never become a mother. Even if Ethan saw her as his mother now, and Eli even was starting to become closer to her, she felt as if her life had been fulfilled. 

"El, have I told you how in love I am with these three beautiful babies?" Liv stated one night after they both got home from a long day. Liv was still on desk duty until after the babies third month, not for lack of trying to get back to full duty, though. Cragen had given her a choice, either desk duty or a month at home. 

Elliot smiled at Liv, who was breastfeeding Via. "Maybe once or twice an hour since they've came home with you?" Sean and Ryan were already fed and back to sleep in their bassinet. In the month they've been home, all three have grown a lot. Sean and Ryan looked identical, which was the reason Elliot suggested they keep the boys hospital bracelet on them for a while. 

After Liv burped Via, Eli had come rushing in with a coloring book in hand. "Daddy, when's mommy going to get me for my day with her?" 

Elliot had taken Via from Liv so that Ethan could have some time with Liv when Eli asked. Liv and Elliot froze and looked at each other. They hadn't spoken to Kathy in a while. Liz and Dickie had moved in with their friends in the city after their birthday party last week and Kathy didn't show up. To say Elliot was upset was an understatement, however they made Elliot promise not to make a scene. 

He hadn't planned on letting Kathy take Eli anywhere, even if she wanted the boy, which she didn't act like it. He sat on the couch next to Liv and looked at Eli. "Let me talk to mommy, okay Eli?"

Eli nodded happily and ran back to his room to color again. "When's the last time you talked to Kathy?" 

Elliot shook his head. "I'm not sure, when she came to the precinct to give me that folder from Walter? After that the kids were relaying what she said."

"El, that's been almost a year," Liv stated, bouncing Ethan on her knee. 

"I know, I'll call Cragen tomorrow, tell him that I'll be a little late and go talk to Kathy," Elliot decided. 

The next morning, Cragen had approved Elliot coming in late, so he was on his way to his old house in Queens. Once he got there, he was shocked to see the porch a mess. Usually, Kathy made sure the front of the house was neat and pretty. It looked like no one lived here anymore. Elliot knocked on the door, instead of using his key. It seemed a little rude. 


He waited a couple of moments before he felt he had to use his key. Inside, it didn't look like it used to. Trash was everywhere, dust layers thick on every surface, dirty clothes on every surface. "Kathy!" He called. No one was in the kitchen so he went up to the bedrooms. The kids bedrooms were empty, except for the furniture and knickknacks that they left behind. Their old room was locked. He knocked harshly. "Kathy!"

Elliot put his ear to the door and heard a moan. He was torn between opening it and leaving. What if Kathy had a man over? However, if she did, then she would have answered the door. Right? He decided that he had to be sure that she was okay. He slammed his shoulder into the door, breaking the door frame as it burst open. She was laying on the floor with a needle sticking out of her arm. 

He rushed to her and jerked the needle out. "Kathy," he called, shaking her. She didn't respond. Elliot quickly got out his phone and dialed 911. "Yeah, this is Detective Stabler, I need a bus right away. Female OD."

He followed Kathy to the hospital where Liv and Cragen met him. "I went in the house and found her in the bedroom. When I busted the door open she had a needle in her arm and wasn't responding."

"El, it will be okay," Liv said, rubbing his back soothingly. Even though he didn't love Kathy anymore, he didn't want his kids to loose their mother. The nurse came out about thirty minutes later and told them Kathy was stable but still out of it.  

Maureen and Kathleen showed up a little while later and sat with their mother while Elliot went to the precinct with Liv. He had no idea why she would want to do drugs, but he had a feeling it had something to do with the rape. 

He wished that she would have come and talked to him, or Liv, or really anyone other than putting a needle in her arm. Eli still had to grow up, and he'd like it if he grew up with a mother and a Liv. 

"Elliot, Maureen just called. Kathy's awake," Liv said once Elliot dropped off some DD5's for her. 

He rushed to Cragen's office. "Cap, Kathy's awake. Can I go see her?"

Cragen looked at Elliot straight. "Sure, but remember who you're with."

He looked at Elliot with that knowing fatherly look that he did. Elliot nodded and went to get his coat. "Liv, I'm heading to the hospital to talk to Kathy."

"Okay, wish her well for me," Liv stated, starting on another stack of paperwork. 


I think I'll leave the conversation with Kathy and Elliot to next time. What do you all think is gonna happen?

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