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Cragen almost didn't allow Elliot and Liv back at the precinct after Kathy's rape, but after begging, he agreed. Sadly, Elliot and Liv still had to take Ethan and Eli, now to the station house, but IAB was notified. The Brass seemed to think it was best in the circumstances they were facing. Munch and Fin were running the case as best as they could while being the only two people allowed out. Cragen wouldn't allow both Liv and Elliot out at the same time and every time they talked about one of them leaving without the other, they got into a small fight. 

It had gotten so bad that Cragen had benched both of them, asking for a new detective to help work cases while Munch and Fin's head was buried in the Waterfront Dragon case. They knew who the people were that raped Dickie and Kathy, but they were having a hell of a time trying to find them. Every lead they found ended up at a dead end. There was chatter in the W.D gang front from a CI that they were planning on striking the new chick in the Stabler household, which meant it was Liv. 

Elliot had almost lost it at the station house when he found out. Liv and Cragen watched as he stormed off to the cribs to possibly punch the lockers like he's done in the past. Liv has learned to just let him mull things over for a little while, until he calms down. 

Eli was a big help with Ethan, thankfully. Liv had been answering the phones and looking at security videos all morning while Elliot was in the cribs still seething. Finally, after hanging up the phone, she decided to go see if Elliot was okay. Eli and Ethan were playing, ignoring the hustle and bustle, which gave her the perfect timing. 

Liv knocked on the crib door twice before peering inside. Elliot was on one of the bunks, staring at his bloody hands. His locker was dented with splatters of his blood decorating it. Liv sighed and walked to him. She knelt down and took his hands in hers, ignoring the blood. "El, we will get them."

Elliot looked at Liv, "Before or after they get to you?" 

She knew that he was worried about her, but the look he gave her broke her heart. She could take care of herself for the most part, and he knew that. However, she knew that he had a protective instinct to keep her safe, especially after what happened with Dickie and Kathy. If she ended up getting raped or hurt, she didn't know what he would do to the perps when he found them. 

"I will be okay, Elliot, I promise." She kissed him reassuringly.  

He knew she could take care of herself, but he was scared. Two of his family members had been raped and beaten, he couldn't take it if Liv got hurt also. He nodded. Liv kissed him once more before heading out to the boys again. Elliot watched her go then decided to treat his knuckles with warm water to wash the blood off. 

Elliot stayed at the station house that night, working overtime to try to catch the perps that were after his family. By morning, he'd had five cups of coffee and was no closer to finding a lead. He hadn't had any sleep and when Liv asked why he didn't come home, he yelled at her, causing Ethan and Eli to start crying. 

Liv looked at Elliot like she wanted to slap him, but with Cragen watching, she thought it was best to ignore him. She knew that he was working overtime to try to keep everyone safe, but he didn't realize that they needed him too. They needed Elliot, not Detective Stabler. She didn't know if he knew that though. 

"Elliot, are you ready to talk things through and not yell?" Liv asked after Eli and Ethan were put down for a nap. 

Elliot was writing down some things from a phone lead that could possibly be something. He ignored Liv for a moment, holding up his finger, signalling for her to wait. She crossed her arms, but waited. 

"Fin, got a possible lead. Head to the Meat Packing District. There's a shop there on the corner of ninth and Hudson." Elliot stated. "Owners name is Eric Williams," he added. 

After he hung up, Elliot looked at Liv. "I'm sorry I didn't come home. I was just so wound tight with worry about you. I thought I should put the energy to use instead of just pacing at the apartment. I'm also sorry about yelling at you earlier." 

Liv walked to sit on his desk. He placed a hand on her knee as she thought about how to say what she was thinking. "I know you want to protect everyone, El, and we appreciate it wholeheartedly. The thing is, we need Elliot, not Detective Stabler right now."

He sighed, gently squeezing her knee. "I know, its just when you all are in danger, Elliot seems to go away. All thats left is Stabler."

"As long as Elliot doesn't stay away forever." 


This is shorter than normal, but i hope you all like it. My mind is trying to think about what next at the same time wanting to write about whatever. If you understand you understand. Pass it on and keep the love going. 

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