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Elliot couldn't think straight. The one time that he'd taken for himself with Liv and his children were in danger now. If anything happened to any of his kids, he'd never forgive himself. Kathy wouldn't either. Cragen had called everyone he could get to the apartment. Luckily thing Elliot was so protective and guilt ridden for spending the time with Liv that he'd chosen a hotel only ten minutes away. 

The whole of the one six was there by the time Elliot and Liv got there. Ambulances and different flashing lights lit up the night in front of the building. The kids were by Cragen, worryingly talking to him, tears staining their faces. None of them realized that Elliot was there as he and Liv pulled up and got out. Fin had been talking to Maureen, who was by the ambulance getting checked by the EMT. So much was happening that Elliot didn't know where to start. 

By chance, the first person to notice them taking it all in was Ethan. He was in Kathleen's arms, who'd been talking to Munch about what had happened, Eli beside her holding onto her pant leg, Liz petting his hair soothingly. Upon seeing Liv, Ethan started screaming happily, reaching for Liv. She smiled and took him from Kathleen, who looked as though she'd seen a ghost. Her face was pale and eyes didn't seem focused. 

Munch gave a short greeting before jumping in and telling Liv what had happened in the short time they weren't there. The escorts had been knocked out and dragged to the alley. They were already at the hospital getting checked for concussions. Then, the group of kids had barged into the building after an older lady had opened it for herself, knocking her to the ground, thankfully she was okay apart from the scare of it all. They jimmied the apartment door open and began to search the entire apartment for the kids. 

Elliot picked up Eli who'd started to cry from hearing the story again and held him close as Munch continued. Maureen had thought on her feet and hid in the master bedroom at the farthest from the door. It didn't stop them, but it gave the team time to get there to the kids. The gang had grabbed Maureen by the hair and started to beat on her, ripping her clothes as she fought them. Dickie, who Elliot realized wasn't seen, started to panic. Dickie had gotten stabbed in the side trying to protect Maureen from ending up with the same fate as him. 

Liv took Elliot's free hand in hers and squeezed it. She was worried about Dickie too. "What about Dickie?" Elliot asked in a stronger voice than he felt. Kathy had just shown up, looking around at her kids, screamed for them. Eli flinched at the noise, Maureen waved halfheartedly, and Kathleen and Liz smiled sorrowfully. 

Munch shrugged apologetically, "Sorry, El, all I know is he's at Mercy with a stab wound." He glanced at Kathy, who was standing far from Liv and Ethan as she could while still hearing what had happened to Dickie. "Hey Kathy," he greeted with a small smile. 

"El, I'll go talk to Cragen," Liv stated, giving Elliot a hint to stay and talk to Kathy. He really didn't want to, but knew it was inevitable. Elliot nodded and watched her go, but not before kissing her quickly. He wanted to show Kathy that they were still strong, even now. 

Kathy waited for Liv to fully disappear before laying in on him. "How could you? You're a grown adult and you left your  kids to act like a teenager with your girlfriend? " The detest in her voice was stronger than what Elliot felt at the moment. Kathleen went to defend her father, but Liz was first. "Mom, we wanted them to go. They asked and we sort of pushed them to go."

"Yeah, they've been stuck with us for a month now. They needed time alone away from us to be a normal couple." Kathleen added with a sharp tone. 

Kathy snorted in disgust and turned away from Elliot. Eli was sniffing into Elliot's shoulder and he patted his sons back. "Everything's okay, Eli," He said in a gentle voice. 

"Sure it is, your brother might be dead, but everything's okay because your father says so," Kathy stated angrily under her breath. 

Liz and Kathleen looked at each other, then looked at their mother. She wasn't normally like this. Elliot suspected she was in pain from her own assault, not only that but scared for her children as well. Kathy left to talk to a random police officer about the gang and left Elliot and the girls alone. 

Elliot really wanted to argue with her, but he didn't dare with Eli in his arms. He motioned for the girls to follow him as he went to check on Maureen. She and Fin had just gotten finished with her statement, EMT was just about finished as well. 

"Hey, dad," she greeted somewhat happily. 

"You okay, Maureen?" he asked. She was happy for someone who got beaten and saw her brother stabbed. The EMT bandaged her arm as she nodded. Her face had several small cuts, her lip busted open with dried blood. "She's fine, just several scrapes and bruises. Her brother really saved her." The EMT nodded to everyone as he went to the front of the bus. 

Maureen stood up and hugged Kathleen and Liz, who looked as though they'd start crying and never stop. "Is Dickie okay?" she asked after pulling back from the hug. Kathleen and Liz shrugged, tears streaming down their face. 

"We will go see him after Cragen's finished with us," Elliot stated determinedly, looked for Cragen and Liv. 

They were by Munch and Fin, all talking urgently about something. Elliot handed Eli to Liz, who gave the sniffling boy a bear hug that made him sigh with contentment. He needed the compression hugs right now. Elliot made his way over to his team as they stopped talking. 

Munch and Fin nodded to him as they left. Liv told them a quick good bye before turning to Cragen, not meeting Elliot's eyes. Something was said that no one wanted to tell him. 


What could it be?

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