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Hello I'm having a writers block on my actual book that I'm writing so I decided to pick this back up. Not sure exactly where it's going, but I'm hoping you all are liking this story. If you all have any suggestions to where this story is going to go, comment or message me. 


Thankfully, Dickie pulled through. There was one moment where he gained an infection, however he quickly fought it off. Within a month, he was back home with Liv and Elliot. Maureen had taken to making sure he was okay every moment of the day. Liv knew she felt like it was her fault he nearly died. He was walking with a walker, which he complained about every second he was using it. Elliot and Liv kept reminding him it wasn't forever. 

Kathy was back to ignoring Elliot and Liv, only coming over to make sure that Dickie was okay. Every day she'd call Maureen and ask if Liv was there. If she was, then she wouldn't come over that day. Liv knew that while Dickie loved his mother, he was starting to feel smothered by her. 

"El, we have to talk about Dickie." Liv dropped her DD5s on her desk with a huff. She'd just received a text from Maureen asking if her mother could come by to check on Dickie. Her response was only if Dickie wanted her to come over. 

Elliot was finishing his own DD5's on a child abduction case that they had just wrapped up. The mom had hired her boyfriend's brother to abduct her son from her ex-husbands house. "What about Dickie?" Elliot asked, not looking up. 

Liv exhaled, trying to figure out how to start. "I know Kathy is upset by all this. Especially since Munch and Fin haven't caught the culprit who started this whole thing."

"Yeah, I heard Munch and Fin say something about the WFD gang are getting antsy. 1PP put a UC in there and we're getting closer to the truth," Elliot stated, interrupting.  He looked at Liv who had her mouth still open, ready to speak. He laughed to himself. "Sorry, Liv."

She waved it off. "Anyway, Kathy has been coming over almost every single day to check on Dickie. While I understand, that's her right, but I don't think Dickie is appreciating it anymore. He just doesn't want to hurt her feelings with what we've put her through." 

Elliot put his pen down and looked up at her. "We can't force him to not see her. She's his mother. Even so, I've been seeing some signs also. I'll call Kathy and ask her to lay off for a while." 

Liv nodded, "Anything you can do, because I don't think Dickie wants to tell his mother to back off."

She touched his shoulder affectionately before going to get some coffee for the two of them. She knew Elliot was getting out his phone and calling Kathy, so she wanted to give them some space. Munch and Fin were talking about their case. 

"So Waterfront Dragons hired Tyler after they heard that a NYPD detective had cheated on his wife. They did some digging and found Ethan's mom and traced back to Stabler. Then they put Tyler on Stabler's daughters." Munch recapped to Fin. 

Fin was nodding thoughtfully. "My question is why Stabler at all? We know he can be a tough cop, but he's a damn good one. He's one of the few that actually care's, a little too much actually."

Munch took a drink of his own coffee and then saw that Liv was standing close. "Any suggestions, Liv?" \

Liv walked over to them and lowered her voice. "Might take time, but I'd go through every case of Elliot's. Who had a reason to hold a grudge. Look at all the members of the Waterfront Dragons, associates. Tear every one of the members apart if you have too. Someone in that gang orchestrated this entire thing as a means to get back at Elliot."

Fin and Munch nodded. "Thing is we looked at the members. One of the senior members had a rap sheet of sexual assault that was buried by one of Elliot's old army buddies turned cop. We interviewed  Officer  Walter Crates on why it was buried and he declined to tell us. Less than helpful, only thing he said was 'Tell Stabler I'm still here'."

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