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Hi are yall doing good? SVU is coming soon!!! Season 25!!!!!


Sean, Ryan, and Via were growing fast. They were now six months old and 'helping' Liv and Elliot prepare for Ethan's second birthday. They didn't get to plan a first birthday for him because of the whole dangerous situation with the WD gang, so they were going all out. The squad was all invited, including Maureen's new boyfriend, John. Lucy was obviously going to be there. 

Elliot had just come back from the hospital trying to visit Kathy. It had been four months and she still was in the psychic ward, refusing visits from anyone. She was almost refusing to eat as well. The doctor had told Elliot that she had lost 20 pounds since she got there. Elliot was getting scared. He'd reached out to Huang and begged him to check on Kathy. Huang initially refused, but after Elliot kept begging, he agreed to check up on her. 

"Hey, El, how's Kathy?" Liv greeted from the kitchen. She had Ryan on her hip while she decorated a cake for Ethan and the triplets to destroy. Ryan kept on babbling and reaching for the spatula of frosting in Liv's free hand, causing her to laugh. "Sir, you don't get this yet." 

Sean and Via were on the floor playing with some old pots and pans while Ethan and Eli were in the living room playing with some trucks while watching some videos. Elliot sighed heavily and went to hug her. "She refused to see me, so I asked Huang to check on her."

He gave her a lingering kiss before ruffling Ryan's dark hair. He and Sean would need a small hair cut soon. Sean yowled from Elliot's feel. He held his hands up for Elliot and gave a pouty face. As soon as Elliot picked up Sean, Via started crying because she felt she was getting left out. Elliot bent down and picked up Via as well. With one baby in each arm, Elliot walked over to the couch to sit down with Ethan and Eli still watching TV. Once Sean and Via caught eyes on the screen, their eyes became glued with their blue eyes wide with happiness. Elliot scoffed lightly and just held them for a while. 

"Has any of the kids been able to see her?" Liv asked from the kitchen. 

"No. Maureen tried last week, but as soon as Kathy saw her, she started acting up, forcing them to ask her to leave." Elliot felt for his kids. They loved their mom and only wanted to help her get back to herself. That's all anyone wanted. 

"Do you think that our being together is a reason?" Liv responded. 

Did he? He didn't know. "I think its a factor, but I think mostly she cant get over the fact that I had an affair with a stranger. Throw in a threat to the family, oldest son raped, then herself. She's had a psychotic break and can't cling to anything solid right now."

Elliot watched as Liv opened her mouth to respond, but the doorbell rang. Elliot checked the time. The party was starting. "Eli, rush your toys into the bedroom. Ethan, come here,"Elliot smiled at his two year old son. He smiled a large smile before Sean saw his curly dark hair and pulled. Ethan screeched at the top of his lungs, causing Via to scream and Sean to cry. "Hey, guys, its okay." 

"Hands full dad?" Cragen smiled at him. 

Laughing, Elliot nodded. "Hey, Cap." Cragen bent over to pick up Ethan who had rushed to the older man with crocodile tears flowing. Cragen patted him on the back soothingly while Elliot did the same to Via and Sean. "These two need a nap," Elliot stated as Sean yawned and started to rub his eyes. 

Liv still had Ryan on her hip, but came over with a couple of bottles in one hand. She gave them to Via and Sean who took them and leaned back watching TV. "Liv, give me that baby," Cragen ordered, holding out his free arm for Ryan. She smiled and handed Ryan off to Cragen who grinned at Ryan and stuck his tongue out. Ryan giggled and reached up to touch his face. Liv groaned and rubbed her hip as she went to grab the third bottle for Ryan. 

"Knock knock!" Maureen said as she opened the door. She was followed by a tall dark haired man wearing a suit. Elliot's dad radar went off and he eyed the man. While he didn't mind Maureen bringing her boyfriend. He wanted to find out everything about the guy. Did he do a background check on John? No. Did he want to but Maureen and Liv made him promise not to? Yes. 

John looked around before his eyes set on Elliot. He swallowed nervously before nodding politely to Elliot. "Dad, this is John," Maureen introduced from around the foyer. 

"I'd shake your hand, but I'm a little busy." Elliot called, not taking his eyes off of John. 

"Not to worry, sir." John called back with a nervous chuckle. 

Elliot jerked his head to Maureen to come over to him. She rushed over to immediately take Via from her father, who was quickly falling asleep. Elliot was able to get up and take Sean to his room for a nap. Maureen followed with Via. A few moments later, Cragen showed up with Ryan, who had knocked out. 

Maureen was about to leave when Elliot grabbed her arm. "Maureen," he started, "Do you trust John?" 

Cragen had left, giving them privacy. Maureen chuckled. "Yes, dad, I do."

Elliot looked into his oldest daughter's eyes. They seemed too sincere. He nodded and kissed her head. "Just be careful, sweetie." 

Kathleen, Liz, and Dickie showed up followed by Fin and Munch. Casey met Melinda on the way up and even Lucy showed up. (She wasn't sure she would be able to get here on time) Eli greeted his siblings with a hug each before Liv asked him to help set the table. Liv had spent all morning cooking a large pot roast dinner with all the fixings. 

"Oh, Liv, it looks amazing," Melinda complimented as she sat down. 

"Taught her everything I know," Munch joked as he piled on veggies with his potatoes. 

Fin snorted at his partner. "Only thing you know about cooking is how to order over the phone," he retorted. 

Eli was pushing his portion of meat around his plate, not eating. Elliot watched him for a while. "Eli, you okay, buddy?" Eli looked up at his father and shrugged. 

Casey and Liv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. It was Melinda who said something. "You miss your mom?"

Eli looked at her and nodded. "She would have loved this dinner," he whispered. 

Elliot raised an eyebrow. "She's not dead, buddy. She's just sick." 

He scoffed and pushed his plate away. "I've heard you and Olivia talk after you think I'm asleep. You want mom to die." 

Elliot dropped his fork and swallowed his mouthful of roast. He glanced at Liv who shrugged. "Eli, there is a possibility that your mother could die, but I don't want her to die. At one point I loved her, and I still love her as the mother of my children." 

"But not as herself." 


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