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"I can't believe you and Stabler are having three babies, on top of the six he already has!" Fin exclaimed one evening at the gender revel Liv and Elliot organized. Elliot was talking with Cragen and Munch by the punch bowl Melinda brought with her as a celebration. Liv stroked her growing stomach. She was 30 weeks and the doctor was hoping the babies would make it to 32 weeks. 

Liv had quickly been put on desk duty, which she complained about constantly, but everyone knew how much she wanted the babies. Elliot had been bouncing back and forth with Fin and Munch and didn't care for it that much. He loved them, but they weren't Liv. Eli had been staying with them still, as per Kathy's request. Liz and Dickie were talking about moving in a small place with a couple of joint friends together as they were turning 18 soon. 

She was suffering from empty nest syndrome. She still would have Eli, but Kathy's retreated into herself. Much more since things have calmed down with the threats and the gang. She had to have found out about the babies from Liz and Dickie, who were both happy and a little awkward at having new siblings. 

"Okay everyone, can I have your attention?" Cragen called out, holding a glass of water. Everyone turned to listen to his speech. "So, Elliot and Olivia, I haven't had a more perfect pair, not only as a couple, but as partners. There's been a lot of ups and downs. A lot of fights and, ahem, breakups, but I've never doubted your loyalty to each other. I know I speak for everyone when I say, I'm proud and so happy that you two have finally decided to accept your feelings for each other." 

Fin quickly cleared his throat. "Elliot and I have had a lot of ups and downs as well, but I've always known that he had a thing for Liv. Since the first day I walked in here I noticed it. It will be nice to watch the little Benson/Stabler kids grow up with the two best detectives the 1-6 has as parents."

"I can't wait to tell them all about government conspiracies," Munch chimed in. 

Everyone laughed at the back and forth joking. Liv was sitting at her desk, beaming at her friends, family. Suddenly, a stab of pain shot through Liv's back. She exclaimed inwardly and shifted in her chair. Then the pain shot through her back again. She hissed loudly and clutched her stomach. "Liv?" Elliot called out to her. He came rushing over and knelt down beside her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I feel like I have to pee, there's a sharp pain going all up and down my back, and my stomach feels tight," she explained in pain. 

"Okay, so that sounds like labor. I'll call the doctor, Fin, help me get her to the car," Elliot called behind him. Fin rushed over as Elliot, one-handed, pulled Liv up. Fin got on the other side of Liv and they started walking to the elevator. Munch, Cragen, and Melinda were close by. They all squeezed into one elevator and helped as Liv's contractions started. 

They all met at the hospital where Liv was quickly taken back with Elliot in tow. However, halfway through setting her up in the room, complications occurred and Elliot was thrown out. Instead, he had to wait in the waiting room with the others. They were all less than helpful to Elliot. Every one of them tried to tell him how strong she was and she was going to be fine. He didn't want to think about that at the minute. 

An hour and a half later, a nurse came in and brought just Elliot back for the moment. One of the babies became stressed and Liv's blood pressure had dropped. However, Liv was laying in the bed, a little groggy, but very much okay. There were three bassinets in the room, lights and glass covering the tops of them. Each had a sign that had either A, B, or C on the front. Elliot walked over slowly and saw all three of his children with tubes and tape stuck to them. A nurse was taking their vitals. 

"They're very healthy, just a premature," she said happily. He nodded, tears covering his eyes. He sniffed and exhaled deeply, looking at each baby carefully. His eyes kept falling to his daughter on the far right. She already looked so much like her mother. Although all three of them were beautiful. 

"They're beautiful, Liv," he said. 

"We never really fully decided on names," she reminded Elliot. 

He decided to let them sleep and went to sit on the bed close to Liv. "Is it okay to let the others in?" Elliot nodded without looking at the nurse. They all came in to see the babies quickly, knowing Liv needed some sleep. 

"Liv, they are beautiful. You did good," Cragen praised with Fin agreeing. They all left one after another, leaving Elliot and Liv alone with the babies. 

Elliot was thinking about names for them. "I like the name Sean and Ryan," he suggested. 

Liv thought about it for a moment. "Sean Jaxson, Ryan Jayson?" 

"I like it," he said with a affirmative nod. He was quiet for a moment before he turned to Liv. "Olivia Marie." She looked like she was going to cry. 


I think three chapters in one day is enough. Happy reading guys. 

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