Chapter 36

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TW- Swearing.

It's been a couple of months since the match I had against The Miz and Maryse. I've actually become pretty good friends with Seth and Becky, she was honored I used her finisher and we had a good laugh about the fact I asked Seth during the match. Some of the WWE fan base have even nicknamed me 'The Finisher Bandit' which I found hilarious.

Things with me and Demi have been amazing. We've had to push my heel turn back a while because Demi had her leg badly injured in a match against Charlotte Flair about a month ago; which was just before the turn was scheduled to happen but I don't mind waiting a little longer. It's unclear when she'll be able to go back but even with part of Kaida's spirit, she's still susceptible to bad injuries.

I've been doing what I can to help her but because Stephanie didn't like the way I spoke to her the last time I had time off, she denied me time off to take care of Demi. She's getting there though, her leg is a lot stronger than it was so hopefully she'll be back at work within the next month. Every check up she's had, the doctors are always impressed by how well she's healing; which is a lot quicker than somone with her type of injury. Don't ask me what kind because I honestly don't know.

The Judgement Day boys and Bianca Belair have been a tremendous help also. The boys help keep Demi's mind off of her injury when they come over to spend time with her and Bianca, well Bianca give her human company when I'm working sometimes. Like right now for example, I'm currently on my way to meet with Stephanie, Paul and Adam whilst Bianca sits at home with Demi.

~~Time Skip to Meeting~~

I knock on Steph's office door and get invited in. "Okay, so what's this about?" I asked as I walked in, unimpressed that I had been called in on my day off. Everyone in the room stopped talking and turned to look at me, I gave them all a look that said 'What' then rolled my eyes. I heard a chuckle from my left and turned to see Sheamus leaning up against the wall. The big wigs in the office all shared a look that I didn't particularly like, "Oh my... Will someone please fucking tell me why the fuck I have been called in on my goddamn day off..." I said sighing, pinching the bridge of my nose. I looked directly at Steph finishing off what I was saying with, "Again."

"Oh come on Payton, that was months ago." Steph said sharply. "Don't matter." I scoffed in reply. "Okay, no need for that..." Paul interjects sighing himself, "The reason we called you here Payton is because we wanted to talk to you about moving you over to SmackDown for a few months." I looked at him as if he grew a second head. He obviously clocked this look because he continued, "It would only be until we can rewrite your storyline with The Judgement Day as it's on hold for the time being and we want to play off the brand move kind of as a way of you getting away from the 'feud' with Rhea." he finishes.

I slowly nod, taking in what he just said. I glance quickly at Sheamus, "Okay. Say I agree to this, what does Sheamus have to do with all this?" I asked curiously, pointing at him. "Well uh me, Steph and Paul were talking and came up with the idea that maybe uhm..." Adam started but stopped. Sheamus chuckled again, "They thought it would be a good idea if I was your... knight in shining armour so to speak." he said finishing what Adam was trying - and failing - to say.

He started laughing so I joined in. After a few moments our laughter died down and Sheamus turned to me with a serious look in his eye, "You speak Irish right?" he asks. I nod while Steph, Paul and Adam look utterly confused. "Chuala siad faoi chóisir Alexa cúpla mí ar ais." ("They heard about Alexa's party from a couple months back.") He said. My eyes go wide and I reply, "An bhfuil a fhios acu cad a tharla duit a fhios agat cé?" ("Do they know what happened with you know who?") He just shrugged, I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Ó freisin, is cosúil gur ghlac roinnt daoine a d'fhreastail pictiúir dínn le chéile. Áirítear leis sin muid ag déanamh amach mar sin b'fhéidir gurb é sin an chúis atá taobh thiar de seo go léir." ("Oh also, apparently some people who attended took pictures of us together. That includes us making out so that may be the reason behind all this.") He added. I nodded again, turning my attention back to the other three people in the room.

We spoke for a while about me moving over to SmackDown and the possiblity of a romance storyline with Sheamus but told them that before I decided anything, I'd have to talk to Demi first while trying to keep the truth as vague as I could. They seemed happy with that and we all went our separate ways.

Now for the fun part... Going home and telling Bianca and Demi.

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