Chapter 40

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A/N- Picture above is an AI generated image of what I kinda had in mind for what Tyra looks like. TW- Mentions of child abuse, neglect and self-harm.

Once Tyra and I got back to my place, I showed her where she'd be sleeping and where the bathroom was before taking her into the kitchen and making us some food. Even though I was pretty tired, I wanted to make sure she had a decent meal before going to bed. After eating, I took her back up to the guest room and grabbed her one of my baggy t-shirts and some bike shorts to sleep in. She showered and headed to bed so I did the same.

It was about three or so hours later and I was laying in bed, scrolling through social media when I heard soft whimpers, muffled words and grunt-like noises coming from the guest room. I placed down my phone, slipped out of bed and exited my bedroom. I gently knocked on the door before opening it a crack and popping my head in. I saw Tyra curled up in bed still asleep but it was obvious she was having some kind of nightmare, so I made my way quietly to her bedside and sat down gently before pulling her onto my lap, cuddling her; whispering in her ear that she was safe. She kept whimpering and softly crying out no in her sleep for a few more minutes, then suddenly she shot awake panting and clinging to me as if I would disappear. I held her tightly, rocking her back and forth as she sobbed her little heart out while I repeated, "It's okay, your safe. No-one is gunna hurt you, not while I'm here." in her ear softly.

As Tyra began to calm down, I noticed her breathing and heartbeat slowly returning to normal. A few moments later and she had fallen back asleep but still clung to me. I smiled, looking down at her and decided not to move incase I disturbed her so I curled up next to her and fell asleep myself.

~~The Next Morning~~

I had woken up about 30 minutes ago and was making breakfast for Tyra and I. I left her a little note so she didn't freak out if she woke up and I wasn't there before leaving her room. I was plating up our food when Tyra entered the room, "Good Morning sweetie, did you sleep okay?" she nodded and thanked me for helping her through the nightmare. I handed her a plate of food and a glass of juice while saying, "Of course, I know what it feeling like to wake up in a foreign place after a nightmare without anyone to comfort you. I didn't want you to feel like you had to go through it alone." Sending her a smile, I grabbed my own breakfast and my cup of coffee and sit at the dining table with her.

Conversation flows as we eat and once we're done, I collect the now empty plates, cutlery and cups and place then in the sink. I wash them up and leave them to dry on the draining rack, I dry my hands and turn to Tyra. "Okay, now we have to contact the police. Do you want me to call and talk to them or do you want to do it?" I ask sitting back down next to her at the table. "Can you do it please, I wouldn't know what to say." she replies, "Of course Tyra. Also you'll get the rare privilege of knowing my real name." I said smirking at her as I pick up my phone.

I dial 911 and ask for the police, it takes a minutes but I get put through to an officer. "Hello, Orlando Police Department. How can I help you today?" The officer asks, "Yes hi, I'd like to report a case of suspected child abandonment please." I said. They ask what happened so I explained everything, even down to trying to contact the childs mother for over an hour last night before taking her in for the night. "Okay can I have the child first name please?" They asked, "Sure, her name is Tyra." I replied, "How do you spell that?" "It's spelt..." I start and look at Tyra who spells it for me to repeat into the phone, "T... Y... R... A... yeah of course. One moment please." I pull the phone from my ear and ask her, "What's you last name sweetie?" "Oh it's Kershaw, with a K not a C." I nodded and put the phone back to my ear, "Sorry about that and it's Kershaw... Yup it's K... E... R... S... H... A... W." After answering everything to the best of my ability, they asked for my personal details. "My name is Payton Black." I told them, looking at Tyra and gave them my address as well as my phone number for the report. They were going to send out a couple of officers and someone from social services to come talk to Tyra which I was okay with. 

About an hour later, two police officers and a social worker turn up. Funnily enough, one of the officers was Officer Gatlin. I welcomed them in and led them to the living room where Tyra was waiting. They asked her questions about what happened and the events leading up to me approaching her as well as what happened up until now.

Once the officers were done, the social worker took over; asking Tyra questions about home life and about her mother. It sickened me to hear how her mother used to let her starve for days on end and how her mother would hit her when she drank. Tyra went into great detail of all the things her mother had done and how all of it led to her harming herself. She showed us the numerous scars that littered her body from the abuse and of her own doing. Tyra even had pictures, videos and audio recordings of it all on her phone that the officers made copies of to take as evidence against Tyra's mother.

Once everything was said and done, the police left and the social worker pulled me aside to have a quick chat, "Miss. Black I know this is an awful lot to ask but since Tyra has no other living family and finding her a foster placement could take a while, would she be able to stay with you until we find her somewhere or until her mother is dealt with please." She asked. I immediatly agreed and said, "She can stay however long is necessary. What about her schooling though?" The social worker explained that they would contact Tyra's school to let them know what's going on and her school work could be emailed to me. I gave her my personal email and thanked her, seeing her out.

I explained to Tyra that she'd be staying with me for a while and she was so happy about it. What she wasn't so happy about was her school work but I assured her I'd be there to help with whatever she needed. We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other better and letting her raid my closet for some clean clothes to wear after a shower. I'd take her shopping tomorrow.

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