Chapter 43

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I had called ahead to make sure the higher ups were okay with me bringing Tyra with me for my match tonight, they were but wanted me to make sure she behaved which I was cool with. I even asked Liv to stay with Tyra as I knew she aslo had a match tonight that was a couple after mine. As I drove us to the arena, I told her that she had to stay in my locker room and that Liv would stay with her so she wouldn't be alone. Tyra was super excited to spend some more time with Liv which I was happy about because if I did get to adopt her then I'd want to bring her with me when I have to travel.

We arrived at the arena and walked to my locker room, Tyra held my hand the entire time so she wouldn't get lost. When we got to my assigned room, I got all my makeup ready on the vanity and hung up my gear. I turned on the TV for Tyra to watch the show as I sat and did my makeup...

 I turned on the TV for Tyra to watch the show as I sat and did my makeup

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I brushed out my hair and went into the bathroom to change into my gear...

Liv turned up as I was changing so when I walked back into the room, she greeted me with a hug that I happily returned

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Liv turned up as I was changing so when I walked back into the room, she greeted me with a hug that I happily returned. I noticed her gym bag by the door and knew she took me up on my offer. When I asked if she could watch Tyra, I told Liv she could get ready for her match in my locker room since there was only one match inbetween mine and hers. A knock on the door and my ring name being called was my five minute warning, I got up gave Tyra a hug and both her and Liv wished me luck.

My match was against Sonya Deville and it was kept secret from her as well as the entire WWE Universe so as I waited in the gorilla for her to make her entrance, I did some warm-up stretches to loosen my limbs. Adam turned up to announce my arrival and wished me luck before heading out to the stage, mic in hand. "Good Evening WWE Universe." I heard him say, "Now, I know your all wondering who Sonya's opponent is. I know she certainly is." He chuckled. "Well the wait is finally over. While she is not new to SmackDown, this match is her official blue brand debut. She has moved over from RAW to grace us with her presence. So without further ado, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce to you..." He paused for 'dramatic effect', "The Angel of Death herself, SKYLAR MORNINGSTAR!!" And with that my music blared through the arena, the crowd erupting with applause.

I stepped out and did my entrance somersault before soaking up the crowd for a moment and stalked down the ramp with a smirk on my lips. The look on Sonya's face was a picture, she looked terrified and rightfully so. I mean, I am unbeatable in the ring. When I got to the apron, I jumped up and hooked my right leg over the middle rope; anchoring my foot under the bottom, I swung back to hang upside down with my hands out in devil horns and my tongue out.

I flipped into the ring moments later and stood in my corner. As soon as the ref called for the bell, Sonya stepped forward but I stayed put and leaned back on the turnbuckle with crossed arms. To say Sonya looked confused was an understatement, she stopped midstep and looked to the ref bewildered. The crowd and the commentators laughed at this which resulted in Sonya getting aggravated.


Aggravation leads to anger and anger leads to sloppiness. I kept up the unfazed act, for my own amusement more than anything but Sonya was really getting pissed off by it. "Oh fuck this." I heard her say under her breath and she charged at me. I side-stepped and the last minute causing her to run right into the turnbuckle. I circled round the ring to the opposite side and crouched down into a defensive stance, waiting for her to stand. When she did and as she was about to turn around, I bolted towards her and speared her back into the turnbuckle.

She yelled out in pain and I backed up, she attempted to kick me but I grabbed her foot. Still holding her foot, I walked back a few steps to the centre of the ring with her hoping to keep her balance. I pulled her forward and delivered a strong headbutt before grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up, chokeslamming her down to the mat. I went for the cover but she kicked out at 2 so I back off and give her a little time to recover.

She stands back up and I immedietly hit her with Sheamus's Brogue Kick which sent her stumbling back and she used the ropes for stability. I smirked and ran at her, one perfectly executed ObLIVion later and we were back on the mat with me going for another cover. But again she kicks out at 2. I push her to the side and yell out in 'frustration'. I stand and stomp toward her, I pull her up and hit her with 'The Hellfire Slam' but I don't stop there. Oh no. I pull her back up again and hit her with one of her own finishers, Deville's Advocate.

I roll her up one last time and pin her shoulders to the mat, "1... 2... 3..." and the bell rings. My music blares and the ref helps me up, lifting my arm in the air. I celebrate in the ring for a few more moments before sliding out and walking up the ramp high-fiveing fans,, signing pictures and taking a few selfies. I get back stage and head straight for my locker room. As soon as I enter, I get tackled into a hug by Tyra and congratulations from Liv who is now ready for her match. 

I get changed and wash off my makeup before flopping onto the couch next to Tyra. We are staying to watch Liv's match so the three of us chill together until Liv gets called. Tyra was enthalled by watching Liv's match so much so that when it was over, I had to call her name four times before she snapped back to reality. Liv walked into the room a few minutes later and Tyra tackled her into a hug the same way she did me congratulating her, I did the same just gentler. we waited for Liv to change before we left the arena, saying goodbye to Liv then heading home. When we arrived, I locked the front door and went to shower before changing into some pyjamas. I checked on Tyra and she was already changed, fast asleep in bed so I went to bed myself.

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