Chapter 2, Hyunjin

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Hyunjin cringed as his father advanced on him and yelled "You pathetic waste of space!"

A strong blow landed Hyunjin straight in the ribs, and he heard a sickening crack, stumbling back.

Hyunjin groaned from the blinding pain, but his sharp breaths just made it worse. He tried to back away from the evil man that called himself his father, but the older one just held him still and punched him again, this time in the face.

Blood spurted out of Hyunjins nose in a cascade and he gasped.

"I can't believe such a piece of useless scum is my son!" His father roared, kicking the younger boy in the shins, making him fall on the ground, defenseless.

As Hyunjin rolled from side to side on the floor, hissing under his breath at the pain in his broken rib, his father walked away.

Just when Hyunjin thought it was over, it wasn't.

His father came back, holding something sharp in his right hand.

"I knew you were no good when I found out what your wretched mother really was," He spat, walking slowly to Hyunjins trembling frame. "But I never knew just how much like her you were."

That's when Hyunjin really saw what his father was holding, even though his eyes were hooded with pain, and his face was bloodied. A silver knife blade glinted in the weak lighting, and Hyunjins eyes grew wide.

"F-father..." He stuttered, trying to move away using his arms.

"Don't you ever call me that again!" His father screamed. "You don't deserve to live, never mind be my son!"

"Pathetic." He said as he watched Hyunjin tremble and try to scramble away from above. "So unbelievably useless and pathetic."

He chuckled, tilting the knife in his hands.

His father then looked Hyunjin straight into his terrified eyes and raised the knife handle.

"Well, say hello to your dear vermin mother in hell..." He said, and brought the blade down in a swift motion.

As panic spread rapidly through his veins, Hyunjin did the last thing he could to save his life. This was absolutely prohibited inside his house, but when his life was at stake, it was instinct more than anything.

His body changed form and turned into a tiny kitten, inevitably saving him since his size was about seven times smaller than his real self. However, the blade still managed to slash his skin. His shape was smaller, but that just meant that the cut was bigger.

Transforming into his cat form meant that any injuries he had when he was in his human form would disappear and not hurt, but he could still sense their presence in the back of his mind, and when he turned back, they would still be present.

His terrified cat eyes watched as his gray fur quickly turned red along his stomach and he groaned, but managed to clamber away before his father realized what had happened.

When the older man did, however, he yelled in frustration and tried to grab for the cat.

Injured and tired as he was, Hyunjin just barely succeeded to avoid his grasp and stumped onto his paws, making his way to the door as quickly as he could.

Luckily, he didn't close it properly when he came back from school, so as he tumbled into it, it creaked open and he rolled out into the yard.

His father ran after him, cursing his life out along the way.

Feeling extremely scared, Hyunjin sprinted onto the driveway, feeling his body slowly weaken with the loss of blood.

As he was halfway down the road, a car rushed past, and Hyunjin's already matted fur swayed slightly to the side.

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