Chapter 11, school

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"What are you doing?" Felix whispers hurriedly, hunching down to retrieve his bag and place it on his lap, making sure that Hyunjin won't be visible first.

"Murrmeow?" Came a tiny answer.

"Oh you silly cat, what am I going to do now?" The older mumbled more to himself than Hyunjin. "Right. If you understand what I'm saying please hush and wait until after class and I'll take you home during break." Felix sighed again, thinking maybe he'll go home with Hyunjin, and placed the bag back on the ground, hoping against hope that nobody will spot that his pet snuck into school with him.

However, Hyunjin shook his head firmly from side to side to signify that he disagreed, but was content on staying quiet and out of sight. Then, before Felix could stop him, or even comprehend what was happening, the kitten lightly sprung onto his lap, using the bag to propel him since he was too small to do it from the floor.

Pouncing on the older's lap, Hyunjin started to stiffly examine the state Felix was in. It wasn't good, that was for sure.

Felix tried to remove the cat from his thighs, but Hyunjin gave an indignant hiss and snapped his small teeth at Felix's arm. He would not harm the blond, that he made sure of, but he didn't want to leave Felix's side under any conditions.

The tall boy sighed and placed his head back on his arms.

If anyone saw Hyunjin, Felix knew he would be in trouble. However, he could do almost nothing in this situation, seeing as he had to wait for class to finish to get both of them home.

Sighing once more, Felix felt himself relax, thinking that it was better to still give his brain a rest for about five minutes, and then try to finish the test.


Hyunjin was having none of this shit. If Felix was sick, he was sick, and he needed to be home in bed, not in school. If Felix was hurt, which Hyunjin knew he was, he also needed to be home in bed. Hyunjin understood that of course school was important, and Felix probably stayed because of the current exam he was having, but that all didn't matter as long as the blond was healthy, which, judging by the situation, he was not.

Well, there was really only one thing Hyunjin could do in this situation.

Expertly, the kitten slid the pen Felix was writing with between his paws, and positioned it above the exam paper. Watching the older's astonishment as he did so, he guided the pen across the parchment. It took him a few tries, but sooner than expected he had drawn a circle around the correct answer option. It was no perfect mark by any means, but considering he didn't have hands, it was quite an impressive thing to see, especially from an animal.

Felix stared at him, one eye blackened, but eyebrow raised. He then calculated the answer for the question on a separate piece of paper, eyes widening when he understood that Hyunjin had in fact circled the correct option.

He looked puzzledly amused, and whispered "Thats just luck, no way have I got a fucking cat that can do math."

Hyunjin could, in fact, do math. He was, after all, good in every subject. Never too good, but just slightly above the average.

However, now was not the time for this. There were only about 15 minutes left on the clock, and he wanted to get himself and Felix out of here as fast as possible.

Raising the pen between his pads once more, he continued doing equation after equation, getting slightly more accurate with writing using his two paws.

Felix meanwhile was resting on his desk, though covering Hyunjin at the same time, so that nobody will see him, just in case.

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