Chapter 10, what happened???

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Felix groaned as he opened his eyes.

He winced in pain, his whole body aching, hurting from what happened yesterday.

Thinking of yesterday, he didn't quite remember getting up and onto his bed.

He actually didn't remember much at all, apart from, of course, getting beaten up by Jungkook and Taehyung, and the terrible pain afterwards.

There wasn't much he could do in the situation, to be fair, so he just let them do it.


Who knows...

Of course, deep down, the blond knew why he didn't defend himself, but he didn't quite want to admit it.

Though, he didn't want to think about that now.

In fact, he didn't want to think of anything at the moment. Wincing in pain again, he got up and waddled to his wardrobe, knowing that he couldn't miss school since he had a test today.

Part of him just wanted to screw it, but his grades were slowly dropping, so he didn't think he could afford another missed day of school.

Oh well....

Felix slowly dressed, careful to not move his upper body too much because even the slightest movements created an almost unbearable pain.

He'd have to go to the hospital for a checkup after school to see what was wrong. Even though, Felix thought that he might have a fractured rib, but he'd have to deal with it for now. Surely if he was careful it couldn't get any worse...? Besides, he couldn't be sure if he was right, so he didn't want to worry before he was sure. And if he avoided the right people he wouldn't get any more injuries.

Heading downstairs, Felix's eyes kept wanting to close, his body craving to get back to bed. Curl up under the blanket (though that wouldn't be possible because of the pain) and snuggle his kitty.

Thinking about it, where was Hyunjin?

The kitten was always there when Felix woke up, so he found it quite unusual that he wasn't there today. However, Felix was sure he could find him somewhere around the house, if he had the time. Unfortunately he didn't, so he yelled his goodbyes to an empty house, trying not to pay it too much attention.

Ditching breakfast, the blond grabbed his backpack and headed out, his stomach growling because of hunger.

The walk to school felt much longer than usual, his hurt body kept aching and he somehow felt that his bag weighed more than usual. In addition to that, he kept taking frequent stops and his head felt like it was on fire. Felix's eyelids drooped and he kept stumbling.

Something was definitely off. The poor boy didn't get enough sleep yesterday, and his injuries were making his burning body feel worse.

He didn't even know how he got sick, but looking at his state he knew he was everything but healthy.

Skipping school seemed like such a good idea now, but since he was already half way, and the prospect of his already lowered grades was looming, he persisted on walking.


Putting his bag on the floor next to him, Felix plopped down on the classroom chair and waited for the teacher to come and the test to begin.

When the bell rang too loudly for Felix's liking, the teacher walked in, wearing a stern expression.

He walked around the classroom hanging out tests after his usual greeting, later peering at everyone to make sure nobody was cheating.

Nobody seemed to notice that the blond in the back was feeling unwell, his forehead slightly sweaty and his posture bent.

Nobody seemed to notice the blond at all, for some mysterious reason...

Even when the teacher came over to place Felix's test on his desk, he just examined him from head to toe, making no comment on his state.


Meanwhile, Hyunjin was having trouble breathing.

He, after yesterday's events decided that he needed to know what was going on.

Reaching out with his tiny paw, he tried to open the zipper in the bag even a bit, just to let some air in.

(Again the thing with the cat in the bag, I fear :) )

Failing, he tried to hook the zipper with his claw, pulling it sideways and opening the bag a small bit, but that was all he needed.

Letting out a relieved breath, he peeked through the hole he made.

To his surprise, Felix looked even worse than yesterday afternoon.

Now Hyunjin was sure that he wouldn't regret his decision to sneak into school with the older, since the other looked absolutely terrible.

Hyunjin, examining Felix's state a bit more, had a strong urge to tell the other to go back home and get some sleep and heal, since Felix was obviously sick. Moreover, the bruise on Felix's cheek seemed to have turned slightly purple, and was standing out even more. His black eye had gotten better, but not by a lot.

"You have 1 hour to do your tests. Good luck. Your time" Rang out an old male voice, causing Hyunjin to turn around and peek at the teacher in front.

Soon enough though, his attention turned back to Felix, who was struggling to concentrate.


Felix groaned and turned his head to face the paper. Swirling his pencil around his palm, he could barely focus on the test in front of him. He tried, really tried doing his best, and in the end managed to do at least two pages, before realizing that he had reread the same line over five times, the words jumbling together into one, ununderstandable blob.

Though, he was glad that he had chosen to do the harder problems first, leaving easier or multiple choice ones for later.

Even though he didn't want to because of the limited time, he decided that if he at least wanted a decent grade, he had to take a small break to get his brain back in order.

Hunching down, he lowered his head, placing it on his hands. That's when he heard a shuffle in his bag, and only a second later he saw someone he wasn't expecting to see  in the slightest.

"Hyunjin!" Felix whisper-shouted. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Meow?" The kitten replied, matching the older's quiet voice.

"Omg...." Felix hid his face in his palms, really not wanting another problem now.

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