Chapter 13, a mysterious Mr. Hwang

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Hyunjin sighed in relief as he saw the nurse leave Felix's room.

He placed his paws onto the blond's thigh, setting his head on top of his paws right after.

Felix smiled slightly, gently caressing the top of the kitten's head and ears. Meanwhile, he set his own head on the pillow below with some effort, and let out a sigh.

A month in the hospital? That's such a long time to be away from home and school, but luckily I have Hyunjinne here with me, and that is enough.

Even so, I still can't really get over what happened.

Why didn't I fight properly?!?

Why couldn't I defend myself and my kitty?

And who was that Hwang person? Why didn't he show up to see me? Why did he help me? After all, everyone doesn't like me because of what happened to my sister, so surely he had no reason to help me...



Hyunjin watched Felix slowly fall into a light slumber, getting the rest he definitely needed.

Hyunjin meanwhile jumped off the bed and turned back into a human after scanning the room and making sure Felix was actually asleep.

Stretching his limbs, the younger cracked his slightly bruised knuckles and stood up, wandering around the room while moving his head from right to left, trying to remove all the cramps he had been getting.

Running a hand through his hair, Hyunjin glanced down at the monitor at Felix's side, and then at the sleeping form of the older.

Hyunjin rested a hand on the blond's cheek and rubbed it lightly.

Deciding what he wanted to do, Hyunjin walked out of the room and down the stairs into the reception area.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" Hyunjin heard the lady at the front desk say, a welcoming and flirtatious smile playing on her lips.

"I want to pay for Lee Felix's stay and treatment here."

The ladies smile slightly dropped, probably assuming what he had hoped she would, with the tone of his voice indicating that he was here for business, and nothing more. Not that he wanted it.

"Umm...." She mumbled, straightened her glasses and begin typing something on the screen in front of her. "Alright. Lee Felix. Room 143. Injuries... rib fracture.... High fever..." She absentmindedly went over the information, finally coming with a conclusion: "He should be in the hospital for about two to three weeks, and then carefully taken home. Medications will be included in the total cost, but we cannot give you the exact amount his treatment will be."

"Should I come back later then?" Hyunjin marked a bit too sharply, but he really wanted this over with, and had no intention of listening to these vague details.

The lady looked up from the screen, her previous smile gone to be replaced with a small frown.

"No. You can pay for the regular service now, but if Mr. Lee needs anything extra, you can come back later."

"Alright." Hyunjin stated and stretched out his card to her.

Now, how he still had money on there he had no idea, but he sure was lucky that he started saving up money at a young age.


Felix's eyes fluttered open as he heard someone open the door to his room.

Hyunjin doubled back as soon as he saw the blond awake, slight panic filling him.

"Hello?" Felix said, voice very deep and scratchy for just waking up, and from his injuries.

"Umm...Hi." Hyunjin blinked and came inside, closing the door behind him, and telling himself to calm down. "How are you feeling?"

"I didn't know that they allowed nurses to wear what they liked..." Felix uttered quietly, a faint grin on his lips. "But oh well, I guess you could get away with anything with that level of handsomeness..."

Hyunjin quite considerably stumbled, and started blushing like and idiot, trying and failing not to look flustered by such a comment, especially from Felix... Only from Felix.

"Uhh thank you! But no, im not a doctor."

"Oh? Felix cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm......Hyu- Well, you can call me Mr. Hwang."

"Really?!" The older exclaimed and winced right after. "You're the one who....You know... kinda saved me...?"

Hyunjin wouldn't have put it like that himself. More like barged in when it was almost late.

"Well...I guess...."

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate it..." Felix smiled, and Hyunjin's heart sank in a blanket of warmth.

"It's alright, as long as you're safe... You never answered me, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, though I really need to go to the bathroom... Do you know if I'm allowed to stand up?" Felix asked, somewhat blushing.

Hyunjin reddened even more. "Well... Yes! The nurse said that if you're careful, and make sure to only make slight movements, you're allowed to stand up and walk since it doesn't really bother your upper body that much, just as long as you don't do it repeatedly and a lot over the first 3 weeks."

Felix nodded, hearing that. "Could you....maybe, help me stand up?"

Hyunjin felt his insides turn. This was so weird, actually talking to Felix as a human. And helping him would require touching, and the younger wasn't sure if his heart could handle it...

Even so, Hyunjin carefully came up to the blond and assisted him in shifting off the bed while gripping his side and shoulder lightly.

Felix gritted his teeth and winced, and Hyunjin immediately stopped his movements. Even though it was evident that Felix was really weak, he gave another nod, and they managed to get the older to stand.

(Another reminder that Felix is older and taller here)

The pair walked to the bathroom, Hyunjin attentively opening the door, and asking in an embarrassed voice "Do you need further help....?"

"No thanks! I'll be fine!" Felix uttered quietly, with another episode of blushes coating his cheeks.

Hyunjin lightly released him, and stepped out of the way, watching Felix disappear behind the door.



I know, I know... I'm like, one of the most irresponsible Homo sapiens that ever roamed earth, and apologies won't help 🤷‍♀️....

Well, on the bright side, I'm back, and I already started the next chapter!

Tell me about any mistakes in this one, or in previous chapters, any feedback helps!

Also, chapter name suggestions here!

Have an amazing day/night!


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