Chapter 26, movies

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Half a week passed since Felix and Hyunjin had that conversation, and while Felix still felt somewhat awkward around Hyunjin sometimes, they decided to put their embarrassment aside.


It was a breezy spring evening when Felix was scribbling something in his notebook, a decision to try test out his art skills that he didn't realize he had concluded. Though he was admittedly not a very good artist, today the lines seemed to draw themselves, the shapes curving into an all familiar face. Honestly, he just couldn't help it - Hyunjin was just that handsome.

This was a simple sketch, nowhere near enough to capture all his beauty, but Felix was rather proud of himself as he pulled back and glanced over his final product.

"Not bad." Hyunjin said behind him, causing Felix to promptly jump out of his seat.

"Ah! God, Hyunjin, you scared the life out of me." The Australian responded with a chuckle and a blush, trying to hide the sketch with his hands undetected.

"No need for that." The younger smiled, rubbing the back of his neck "The drawing is very nice. I'm sorry for walking in without knocking though. The door was open, and I just finished the laundry so-" Hyunjin stretched out his hand and handed the blond the handfull of folded clothes he was carrying earlier.


The gray haired male nodded and began to walk out of the room but was stoped with a hand on his shoulder.

"You wanna go out for dinner?" Felix stated casually, motioning for both of them to sit.

"Hmm? Really? What's the occasion?"

"Nah, nothing. It's just that I don't think we have enough stuff in the fridge, and even so, I really don't feel like cooking today."

Hyunjin smiled, but cheekily offered: "Come on mate, I'm not THAT bad of a cook, am I?"

"You're terrible Hyun, terrible."

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes. "Fine! But what about take out? Sorry if you felt like going somewhere, but I'd honestly just prefer to stay at home, if that's okay with you- that is. In any case, you could always go without me."

"Nope, it's all good. Take out it is then! And what about a movie night? We haven't got to properly hang out since we both started working." (Hyunjin had found himself a job, and after Felix's checkup the nurse said he was okay to return back to work as well.)

The Korean male looked up, another one of his warm smiled spreading over his face. "I'd be very glad if we have a movie night, sure!"

Felix raised his eyebrows at the sudden burst of cheeriness, shacking his head. "A'right, go prepare the couch downstairs, I'll order us something.

Hyunjin tilted his head, winking, and headed downstairs.

The blond just rolled his eyes.


Thankfully, it didn't take long for the food to come, or for the two to decide which movie they'd be watching.

Hyunjin was a rather big fan of anime, and Felix wanted to watch something to get out of his comfort zone so the two decided on Jujutsu Kaisen.

The snacks and pillows ready, Hyunjin turned on the TV and plopped down on the couch, the older joining him soon afterward.

"You promise not to laugh if I scream?" Felix muttered as the intro started to play.

"Nah, I told you twenty times already, it's not a scary anime."

And it was true. While Felix was on guard for most of the first episode, nothing really bad happened, so he started to let himself relax, his hand moving from time to time to grab a bite out of his shawarma or a bit of popcorn.

Halfway through the fourth episode the snacks they had ordered were already gone, and Hyunjin was beginning to feel sleepy.

Felix on the other hand was intently watching the anime, surprising himself by his own reaction to such a series. In particular - something that seemed to amuse Hyunjin greatly - Felix developed a certain love for one of the characters: Gojo.

It was a while since Felix had the chance to fully submerge in a good movie or two, so he was glad that they decided on a movie night instead of going out.


Only when the show got to episode twelve did Felix notice that Hyunjin was dozing off.

The gray haired male had seen Jujutsu Kaisen numerous times, and while it was still appealing to watch, he knew the storyline well.

Hyunjin was lying peacefully on the couch, his head tilted slightly toward Felix with the cutest expression on his face.

The Australians attention was now fully on Hyunjin, thinking why on earth he was staring. Even so, he didn't turn his gaze away. Gojo might have been powerful and handsome, but Felix had a real, magical beauty right in front of him right now.

Without really understanding why, Felix placed two hands on both of Hyunjin's shoulders, gently - as not to wake him - tugging him over to rest the Korean boys head on his chest.

He then he slid his arms around Hyunjin in a sideways hug, turning to face the tv screen afterwards, feeling nervous bubbles of giddiness spread throughout his body.

The rest of the series passed in a blur, Felix never really managing to focus on it. At the start of episode fourteen, one of his hands found its way into Hyunjin's beautiful locks, unconsciously playing with his hair.

When the beginning of episode fifteen began, Felix shifted toward the remote, grabbing it and turning the television screen off.

He knew that falling asleep on the couch was probably not the best and most comfortable of ideas, however Felix was aware that he wouldn't be able to carry Hyunjin upstairs without waking him, and simply leaving him was not an option.

So the Aussie grabbed a fleece blanket off the floor, cover both of them in a swift motion. Hyunjin stirred, but the movement was not enough to wake him. 

Felix turned him body around slightly so that his head was on the headrest, and then pulled Hyunjin closer to him, who in turn snuggled into Felix's arms.

A bright red hue spread over Felix's cheeks, his thoughts racing, but he decided not to pay attention to them because it felt right. And in that moment, it was all that mattered.

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