Chapter 19, truth revealed?

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Felix woke feeling the gentle stoke of the warm sunlight rays that skipped around his room cheerfully.

This wasn't the first time he woke like this, when even the first breath of the early spring air could make his whole body shiver with a twinkling happy sensation.

But it was the first time, however, when upon opening his eyes, he noticed a tray of food sitting right beside him. For a few seconds, the blond boy lay there, blinking, until he finally realized that this must have been Hyunjin's doing.

Maybe having him in the house wasn't such a bad idea after all...

Felix smiled and slowly sat up.

Glancing over the array of food that was now laying comfortably on his lap, Felix identified a cup of herbal tea, some dried apples, a small bowl of yogurt with berries, and an omelette with what looked like onions, tomatoes and little bits of bacon.

An even wider grin spread over his freckles cheeks as he took hold of the cup of tea and brought it under his nose to sniff.

A powerful fruity aroma filled Felix's nose, and when he breathed out he felt as if he was five years younger - exaggerating of course.

"Oh what a good cup of morning tea can do to you!" He thought, and proceeded to drink and eat everything that was prepared, never forgetting to silently compliment the younger's cooking ability.

"Hey Hyunjin!" Felix called out after his breakfast, pulling the sheets lightly off himself and grabbing the now empty tray.

As he walked downstairs however, he saw no sign of the other, who neither replied, nor showed up to say good morning.

"Huh..." Felix muttered as he glanced around the house, realizing that there was, in fact, no Hyunjin.

Running a hand through his hair, Felix wondered if all this was just a bizarre dream, but the - however slight, remaining pain in his chest and the breakfast tray in his hands proved otherwise.

Felix didn't know and didn't want to think about the fact that his "roommate" could turn into a cat, and furthermore the idea that he could've simply rejected the boy and send him away.

Felix thought, or more liked hoped, that somewhere in a parallel universe he would've made the same choice, though he himself wasn't even half sure.

Truth be told, what Hyunjin thought of as "Kindness of heart" to Felix was more the need and growing desire to get people to like him again.

Our little hero didn't know that his kindness was deeper and bluer than any lake, sea, or ocean. It bubbled inside him in immeasurable quantities, and would spill out and over, if he just understood, and forgave himself for everything that 2 years ago...

Shaking away unpleasant thoughts, Felix washed the dishes, all the while wondering where in New Zealand Hyunjin ended up.

(You guys get it, right?)

The answer to that came soon enough, when Felix was walking away from the kitchen. On top of the table sat a simple yellow sticky note.

Curious, Felix grabbed it from the table and unfolded it.

It read:

Hey Felix. I'm sorry I couldn't see you and make sure you're alright this morning. I went looking for a job, since I can't let you pay for everything. I also had the time to go buy a phone with my remaining money, so if you need anything you can call +82 88 767 9100

P.S. I hope you liked the breakfast

The smallest of smiles spread over the blonds face, and he unconsciously dialed the number.

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