Chapter 12, hospitalized

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Hyunjin! Get yourself together! Now is not the time to hesitate! Go and help Felix!

Hyunjin watched the scene unfurl right in front of his eyes. Felix was cornered by two boys he hadn't seen before, and it was obvious from what he just watched that they didn't want to have a friendly chat with the blond.

Hyunjin gazed, feeling helpless as one of the boys kicked Felix in the ribs, the latter trying but failing to fight back.

He knew that his excuse wasn't good enough not to help Felix, but he really needed the place to stay and food, and he couldn't just give that up that easily, he wanted to spend more time with the older...

If you don't help him now you won't get to see him at all! Go now, before it's too late!

Felix staggered to his feet to punch another boy, only to be held down and hit once more.

Hyunjin bit his lip. It was agonizing to watch the older be hurt like this.


Hyunjin felt devastated.

He couldn't help, he couldn't.

But you should! Don't be a f*cking selfish jerk! Go do what you know you have to!

But Hyunjin needed Felix's help. He couldn't just reveal himself and loose all that he had gained.

Felix had fell down now, only holding up by his arms.

He couldn't do this! He couldn't he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't!

Everything next was a mess in Hyunjin's head. He saw Felix fighting bravely, knocking both boys backwards with in resistance strength, but he was still quickly overpowered.

He didn't remember when or what finally convinced him to do this, but he knew that if he came even a moment later, it would've been too late.

"ENOUGH!" He remembered shouting. "GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM HIM!!!" All the while advancing on the two boys, who looked pleasingly startled.

He didn't know what had possessed him then. It was all too much of a blur.

He was just glad to know that he had beat the two so hard that they fell in a heap on the floor and didn't get up again.

Then, - this part was clearer- , he remembered running up to Felix. Whispering incoherent nothings into the older's ear, about how everything was going to be alright. He had run his fingers through the blond hair, felt Felix's temperature and pulse, and was relieved to find the blond to be breathing, but in sharp, pained breaths.

The ambulance had arrived later. Maybe it was 5 minutes, maybe it was 30, for the ambulance to reach them, Hyunjin didn't know.

Somehow, tears had found their way on his face, and he was lightly sobbing. Why, once again, he didn't know.

Men and women in white clothes had run up to him, to find Felix's body cradled in his arms in half a hug on the school's floor.

They had asked him questions, ones he won't recall, all he cared was that they helped Felix.

They took him away moments later, Hyunjin insisting on following.


Felix eyes fluttered open, and with the sight came the pain.

A ragged breath was torn out of his lungs, and he tried to sit up, gasping for breath.

As he tried to prop himself up with his arms, an almost unbearable pain spread through his entire chest and he immediately collapsed back on the bed.

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