Chapter 27, little hints

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Hyunjin stirred as he heard birds chirping outside.

Yawning, he tried stretching, only to find that his face was buried in a certain male's chest, and that his arms were wrapped tightly around someone's torso.

Hyunjin's eyes flew open once the awareness of what a predicament he was in dawned on him.

He was just sleeping with Felix - well, more like on him, but the fact remains!

The Korean felt his cheeks heat up. They were in such an awkward position, but the fact that it was Felix made Hyunjin want to snuggle even closer to him. Not only that, but the blond looked so beautiful with the morning sun illuminating his face and hair...

God how much he loved this.

But- Oh, Felix was probably going to be against this, wasn't he? Hyunjin had no idea how they got into this scene, but surely when Felix woke up he would feel really uncomfortable to be in such a position and proximity with him.

Hyunjin couldn't have that, now could he?
No matter how strongly Hyunjin felt toward Felix, he didn't want to force the latter into anything.

Tenderly, so not to wake him, Hyunjin tried slipping out of the older male's grasp. It was difficult since the Aussie's arms were also around his body, but slowly, inch by inch, he managed to climb off the couch.

Just as Hyunjin was about to claim success, Felix (wasn't he just asleep?!) grabbed his arm and yanked Hyunjin back onto himself.

With a yawn Felix opened his eyes and mumbled in a deep morning voice that send shivers down Hyunjin's spine, "Stay for a bit longer."

The younger male was extremely caught off guard by this; his cheeks heated up once more as Felix hugged him closer.

His thoughts were a jumbled mess of nervous bubbles.

"I- I- umm...." He stuttered, unsure of what a normal person would say in such a situation.

"Jinnie, you can tell me if you don't want this, you know?" Felix uttered.

The Korean male chocked on his own saliva since his brain chose this moment to come up with a bunch of unnecessary dirty scenarios.

"No... uh... it's fine." He whispered.

"Good." The latter declared, shifting slightly so that Hyunjin would be more comfortable.

After a few moments the gray-head did relax, closing his eyes and breathing with the rise and fall of Felix's chest.

They stayed that way for a while: be it fifteen minutes or two hours, Hyunjin could not recall.


When Felix finally (unfortunately) decided that it was time to get up, he did so with care, but with playful smile on his lips.

"Wakey wakey!" The blond whisper yelled. "Come on, it's time to wake up!"

Hyunjin stretched and unfolded his arms, letting Felix pull him up.

"You go wash, I'll see if we have anything to have a have a proper breakfast."

The younger nodded and headed to the shower.

After breakfast:

"Felix." Hyunjin began, fiddling with his fingers.

The latter raised his head, locking eyes with the Korean male.

"The guys at Jyp's told me to come for my individual trial at 9:30 this Saturday. That's after tomorrow. Do you mind if I go practice for it today? I know of a studio nearby."

"Sure." Felix agreed, showing a hint of a smile. "I'll go with you."

"Really? You'd be okay with that?" He asked, feeling slightly embarrassed at the thought of someone watching him practice.

"Mm. I've got nothing to do today anyway. I don't have a shift on Thursdays, and just sitting around watching TV is boring."

Once that was settled, the two headed out. They needed to walk and then take the train, but overall the journey was not going to be long.

As the boys stood waiting on the platform, they chatted about the upcoming audition, Hyunjin finally confessing just how nervous he was.

Felix reassured the latter that it was fine, and they proceeded to talk about how to impress the judges.

The blond walked off for a few minutes to the bathroom, but when he returned he heard a group of girls passing by giggling about something.

"He's so hot-"

Felix heard snippets of their conversation.

"Should I ask for his number-"

"Never seen somebody so handsome-"

"But what's with that hair?"

Felix glanced around at the women and realized they were all shooting glances at Hyunjin, who was leaning absentmindedly against a wall.

Just as one of the girls gathered the courage to walk toward Hyunjin, Felix decided he had enough and sprinted toward his friend, hooking his arm around the other's.

"Heyyy Babe." Felix stretched out, a smile appearing on his face.

Hyunjin visibly did a double take, his honey brown eyes widening to the size of large marbles. His mouth opened and closed as if he was unsure what to say. He obviously hadn't seen the girls.

"I- I- Uhhhh....."

"Let's go Hyun darling, the train will be here soon!" Felix persisted, dragging a stunned Hyunjin after him, and glaring at the girls afterward.

The girl who was going to ask for his number backed off, a disgusted expression on her face.

"Faggots." She muttered quietly as the other teens in the group pulled her away with them.

She didn't say it quietly enough.

Felix bit his lip, looking away. He was glad that at least Hyunjin didn't hear that.


When the two got on the train, Hyunjin still seemed to be a bit dazed. Felix let go of his arm.

He showed the signs of understanding why Felix did what he did, but that didn't stop him from looking baffled and awfully embarrassed.

"Um.. Thanks, I guess." He muttered, looking away as the train cart jostled them slightly.

"I don't think you should be thanking me." Felix responded, scratching his neck. "I could have found another way to get you out of there, no need to resort to measures that would make you uncomfortable."

"No." The shorter of the two whispered so softly that Felix almost didn't catch it.

"Huh? No what?"

"It- it didn't.. uh.." Hyunjin rubbed his knuckles. His reply was also barely audible."It didn't make me uncomfortable. I was just surprised. That's all."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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