Chapter 24, a beginning of something?

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"What's this all about?" Felix asked, grinning, as he watched Seungmin laugh and Chan watching him with the most hilarious look of confusion on his face.

When Seungmin finally had the chance to calm down, he buried his face in his hands in obvious embarrassment. "Sorry-" He choked out through his last set of chuckles, "Probably not the best idea to laugh at someone's age when I barely know you guys. But hey! It's funny!"

Unsure how to react, the other three males shared glances, Hyunjin having joined the interaction as well.

"Well.." Felix paused, looking rather awkward. "Seungmin, I think we'll get going now, but, umm,  can I get your number? You seem like a nice guy, maybe if I get to know you better we can be friends."

"Sure." The chocolate haired boy replied offhandedly, drawing out his phone in an urbane movement.

The two exchanged phone numbers, Chan and Hyunjin standing side by side, both appearing to be quite annoyed with the interaction.

However, just when Felix waved his hand and started to walk in the direction of their residence, Chan and Hyunjin following, Chan stopped abruptly once more.

"Can I also have your number?" He enjoined, and Hyunjin noticed how the Australians ears were exceptionally red. He really didn't know how to feel about this. Perhaps happy? But that didn't make much sense. Sure, Hyunjin was glad that maybe he had less competition for Felix with Chan now, but it still didn't mean Chan would lose his feelings then and there.

If he did have feelings for Felix, that is.

Which Hyunjin was quite sure he did, but that was just confusing, considering how Chan just acted around Seungmin. All in all, Hyunjin didn't mind, if Chan was not going to stand in his way.

Seungmin shrugged, and swapped contacts yet again.

After these proceedings, Seungmin walked off, and the other trio also made their way home.

Despite it being only six o'clock in the evening, it was already getting dark. Felix kindly declined Chan's proposition when he offered to take them home, saying that he had to talk to Hyunjin privately.

To say Hyunjin wasn't nervous would be a straight-off lie, but he knew the conversation they had earlier had to continue. At least, he hoped it would continue, because he really DID want to know what happened to Felix's sister, and what actions resulted in this whole bullying "scandal". After all, he was quite sanguine on the fact that this would help him understand Felix, as well as aid him in making choices in any following decisions regarding their future together.

And if making the right choices could help him make Felix fall for him, Hyunjin was ready to do about anything.

Pathetic! Are you seriously fawning over him? What's wrong with you? His mind whispered, and Hyunjin felt like hitting himself to shut the inner voices out.

Luckily or unluckily, it never got to that. Hyunjin wasn't really watching where he was going, blatantly ensuing in him almost tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. Fortunately this time, he caught himself just in time not to fall headfirst into a street lamp.

"Ah!" Felix exclaimed, his arms instinctively wrapping around Hyunjin's arms. "Careful! Don't try to kill yourself on me!"

The Korean male righted himself, and blushing, affirmed "Yea, sorry, my bad. Wasn't looking where I was headed." Then he snickered, and in the most sarcastic voice Hyunjin could muster added, "I am quite inattentive sometimes! Good that I  have someone as strong and supportive to watch over me at all times."

Felix rolled his eyes and elbowed Hyunjin in the ribs, causing Hyunjin to mock stumble into the nearest wall, holding his chest in fake pain.

"OWWW!" He howled, "Felix! How could you!"

This play-fighting lasted a while longer as the two experimented with these friendship acts. Truth be told though, both of them felt like they had known each other for an eternity, while in reality, it hadn't been even a "proper" week.

Sure, it was weird for Felix to interact with someone who entered his house and lived there without him really knowing it, but hey! Hyunjin also helped him out lots, and he wasn't even half bad! And seriously, Felix didn't mind him one bit. Hyunjin was truly a nice guy, even considering his....umm... ability? And really, this guy had it all. Hyunjin was kind, polite, humble, respectful, handsome, hot, probably good in bed....

WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! Felix's eyes doubled in size as he suddenly realized his own dirty thoughts. What. The. Absolute. Hell. That was VERY sudden. Maybe stress was getting to him? Really, he didn't have a good wanking in a while. Or a proper laydown for the matter. For some reason though, Felix didn't exactly feel the need to actually go and have sex. Well...Whatever...


I know this is quite short, but I promised to post something by today, even if it's quite miserable.
I'll try to compensate with a larger chapter next time! Thanks for your attention though!

(Also, does anyone know Wattpad mechanics? Like, how bad does the story have to be to be rated "Mature", because I don't want to label it that until I actually force myself to write that. So like, it won't be taken down or anything just because of a few mentionings or smth, right? I don't know guys, help me out 😭)

Thanks, Have a great day/night ✨ ❤️ ✨


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