Chapter 20, JYP

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Hyunjin stood there in shocked silence after the beep that signaled the end of their call.

He didn't understand what exactly Felix meant by what he said, but he knew it wasn't good. Wasn't good at all, seeing as people obviously bullied Felix for supposedly "Killing" his sister, but knowing Felix, Hyunjin was quite sure that that was only half true. He knew the mind of a person accused of terrible things all too well, with the gnawing guilt and sadness blinding the entire truth.

Hyunjin didn't want to believe the worst of him, because after being wary of the male for quite a while, he grew to know the blond well, and was sure he wouldn't harm a fly without initiative.

As confused as the Korean boy was, however, he understood just how significant the conversation between them was. He felt relieved and glad that even though Felix was both angry and disoriented when Hyunjin came out with what he could do, he still trusted Hyunjin with this information - somehow. If the roles were reversed, Hyunjin was sure that he would not trust a stranger to stay in his home with him, nevermind tell him something so personal.

A car sped past, pulling Hyunjin out of his thoughts. He now remembered where he was going, and knew that no matter how badly he wanted to come and talk to Felix in person, he had to do what he set out to.


A boy at the front desk raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin as he stormed in, his body shaking slightly with exhaustion from sprinting across the road.

"How can I help you?" The brunette at the desk said. He was a good looking male, around Felix's age, with blond bangs, and a slightly sarcastic demeanor to his speech. He was very well dressed as well, with a checkered jacket, sleek black trousers and the hint of a red tie under the top layer of clothing.

Hyunjin panted slightly as he said "Can I sign up for the auditions please?"

The male in front of him -  "Seungmin" his badge read, looked him over with an unreadable expression, and silently handed him a small booklet of white papers after ruffling through a drawer underneath his desk.

Hyunjin impatiently stretched out his hand for the leaflets, but just before his hand enclosed around the paper, Seungmin snatched it back.

"I have to warn you." Seungmin uttered, his expression still monotone, "It's very hard to get in. If even one of the essential skills is lacking, you won't qualify. And even if you do, you'll have to spend 2-4 years as a trainee, and that's not easy."

Hyunjin didn't reply, his gaze locked on Seungmin's.

"Thank you." He mouthed, and took the booklet from the other's hands turning away rather sharply, and headed towards the nearby sitting area, to fill the booklet in.

The first question asked for his name and age, which Hyunjin supplied easily.

Question 2: Please state your origin city, and current place of residence.

He looked at the paper, his eyebrows furrowing. The first part was easy, but what about the next? Should he state Felix's address, or his fathers?

Honestly speaking, Felix's house was more "Home" to him now then his dads house ever was, but would Felix be alright with it?

Hesitantly, he decided that specification wasn't that important, and just put "Seoul" as his answer.

Question 3: What is your nationality, and your parents nationalities?

This Hyunjin answered easily too.

He continued to fill out the form, rushing to get back to Felix quicker. And all was going well, until he reached question 12, which asked for his sexuality.

Hyunjin but his lip, internally groaning and wondering why on earth the industry might need this information.

He quickly jotted down "Alloromantic", providing as little information as possible.

The next few questions were about which formal education he had, and courses on dance, singing, music, or art.


As Hyunjin listed his last paragraph response, he flipped the page over, and closed the cap on his pen.

Swiftly standing up, he headed for the front desk again, where the brunette "Seungmin" stood, typing something rapidly on his computer.

"Hey." Hyunjin rejoined, making Seungmin look up at him.

"Are you finished?" The other asked, glancing at the booklet in Hyunjin's right hand.

Seungmin ran a hand through his hair, biting at the inside of his cheek as Hyunjin handed the papers over to him.

He briefly skimmed through the pages with a slender finger, letting out the tiniest hint of a chuckle as he thumb over the sexuality question.

For a split second, Hyunjin worried that he would be asked to be more specific, but Seungmin just folded the stack back together and set it on his desk in a final manner.

"Your information will be looked over again, but for now you'll be expected to come here again at 9:30 next Saturday. If anything occurs, you can notify us."

Hyunjin nodded, feeling slightly pleased with himself.

He shuffled out of the building after thanking Seungmin, and set out a good pace back to Felix's home.


The walk back to the house seemed endless, even if it was only fifteen minutes.

Briskly, the Korean boy sprinted up to the door through the garden, deciding on going through the back rather than the front.

While knowing that he also currently occupied the house, Hyunjin didn't want to barge in, so just settled on rapping his knuckles against the glass door. When nobody answered after a minute or so, Hyunjin easeed open the sliding door and hastily made his way inside.

The building seemed to be fully quiet, apart from the Korean's quick breaths.

"Felix?" He called out expectantly, but no reply followed suit.

Hyunjin felt the desperate need to apologize, or at least comfort the older male, but how could he do that when he had no clue where Felix was?

Calling him was always an option, be he worried that if he did, their relationship might worsen even more. The only real thing left for him to do was wait, after making sure that the house was truly empty.


Sorry for the delayyy 😞

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