Chapter 4, the unkown man

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As more days passed, Hyunjin became feeling more safe around Felix and started to trust him more. Nothing seemed off to him anymore, and he just came to the conclusion that Felix was truly an angel sent from heaven. Nothing seemed off, other than the fact that everyday after college, Felix would return quite sad, but would try to hide that fact.

Hyunjin grew used to his cat form, but when the blond boy was gone, he would still turn back human and tend to his wounds, sometimes cleaning the house or doing chores, making sure not to do anything that might strike Felix as suspicious.

No matter how used to being a cat as he was now, when Felix tried to feed him cat food, he refused and meowed his indignation. Felix just laughed at that.


Felix felt nice to after so long have someone else in the house with him. True, the cat was only a cat, but to Felix, he seemed much more. He (Hyunjin, the cat) was the company he craved for for a long time, but refused to admit that he needed.

Felix felt happy because the cat was unjudging, funny, and incredibly cute, but also he noticed that it was very smart as well. The kitty seemed to understand everything he said, even though it was unable to answer.

(Guys, should I write Hyunjin in Felix's perspective as a he or as an it? If I do both it gets confusing, so tell be to which one to stick to.)


Now that Hyunjin thought of it, everything Felix did was great.

Until Felix read up on cats and decided to take him to the vet.

Maybe it wasn't even the reading, just concern that prompted this, but even so, Hyunjin wasn't happy.

Yauling in protest, Hyunjin twisted and turned, hissing, but unable to bite because he was afraid of hurting Felix as the other stuffed him into his backpack to carry him.

Felix did it carefully of course, and with gentleness that neither of Hyunjin's parents would ever achieve, but Hyunjin still did not fully trust Felix, and no matter how hard he tried to silence them, thoughts like: 'What if he'll kill me?' couldn't help but pop up.

Well, Felix was surprisingly strong.

You see, even though Hyunjin was a cat now, he still had half of his human strength, but Felix was able to lift him up and restrain his protests and attempts to escape his arms easily.

Really, despite everything, Hyunjin was impressed, but that feeling was gone the second Felix finally zipped his bag and darkness surrounded him.

After meowing and battering his paws against the bag's cloth, Hyunjin heard Felix say:

"Come on kitty, don't be noisy, this is for your own good. Nobody is going to hurt you."

Hyunjin, for no reason, calmed down after hearing Felix's soothing voice.

With that, Felix threw the bag over his shoulder and double-checked whether Hyunjin was okay.

Hyunjin watched through the tiny holes in the bag as they walked out of the house, strolling along the sidestreet.


Felix didn't even have time to make fifty steps before he was stopped by a man barking at him from the opposite direction:

"Hey you!" The man yelled, and Felix turned around. In front of him stood a male, probably in his sixties, wearing an ugly smirk that was somehow also mixed in with an unpleased expression.

Felix, feeling instantly wary, put on a smile. No matter how people made him feel, he always tried to be kind to everyone, especially before getting to know them better.

"What is it sir?" He asked the man politely, tilting his body to look at the person better.

The older let out an inaudible growl, but then said: "I'm looking for a boy and a cat. They ran away." He stated simply, fumbling out a piece of paper from his pocket. Uncurling it, he held it out to Felix.

Felix took it, looking at a photograph of a pretty male, probably his age, with gray neck-length hair with the back strands pulled up into a ponytail. Next to the teen, was a poorly taken picture of a cat. Above the two photographs there was written "Hyunjin" presumably the name of the kitten or boy. In fact, now that he looked closer,  he recognized the cat quite well. . .

Before Felix had a chance to utter a single word though, a tiny squeak emitted from his backpack, followed by the distinct vibrations of a small trembling form.

Felix was surprised, to say the least. Since he knew his kitty was smart, he knew that this action could mean two things:

One, that the kitty was afraid of people in general,

Or two, - the more likely scenario, the kitty knew this man, and clearly didn't like him.

Felix wondered whether he should give the tom cat back to his (presumably) rightful owner, but another tiny scared meow silenced this thoughts.

The cat seemed happy in his care, and if it didn't want to go back, Felix wouldn't force it.

"Have you seen them anywhere?" Asked the man gruffly, interrupting Felix's trail of thought.

"No." He stated firmly after a moment's hesitation. "I'm sorry sir. I wish you luck to find them. And I'm sure that if you hang more of these papers around they'll get found eventually. And besides, you can report the loss of the boy to the police, I'm sure they'll be glad to help."

With that, Felix turned around, and headed around the corner. When he made sure he was well out of the old man's sight, Felix undid the straps on his bag. Looking back at him, were two, large, wide, dark brown eyes filled with relief.

"You okay?" Felix asked, thinking maybe he didn't interpret the trembling correctly, but then this thought slid out of his head completely when the kitty lifted its small head and licked his hand.

Felix, stunned for a second at the sudden show of affection, giggled, and let out a small laugh.

"You have no idea how cute you are." He said, smiling widely at the cat.

He patted its head and headed back home, thinking that this was enough 'thrill' for the kitten today.

He knew that maybe this wasn't the best choice, but seeing as he didn't want to worry the tom even more, he decided that he could visit the doctor another time. And besides, the cat seemed to be healing quite well.


Heyyy I'm backkkk

It's all a bit boring but cool stuff's up ahead🫡

Not proofread (I mean, my small sister did read it, but who knows what she missed) If you see any mistakes tell meeeee

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