Chapter 22, a new friend

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Surprisingly, Hyunjin and Chan didn't have too much trouble finding Felix. After Chan had dismissed himself off duty, they grabbed a bus to Ichon park where they walked, side by side through rows of trees searching for a familiar blond head. The two had spotted him after only a 500 meter walk along lush green bushes and flowers that smelled of summer despite it being spring.

Felix was sitting against a tree trunk, one knee raised and his head leaning back slightly. His bright golden locks had fallen over his eyes, but regardless of the fact that his face was mostly covered, he looked absolutely ethereal in the evening light.

Hyunjin stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw the Australian male, staring. He knew it wasn't polite, yes, but he couldn't bring himself to look away. The glow radiating from Felix in waves was impossible to resist at that moment.

Chan slapped him harshly on the back a few seconds later, giving him a pointed look.
Hyunjin shook his head, and scratched his neck apologetically, though there was no real embarrassment in his actions.

"Stop gawking, idiot." Chan muttered, and rolled his eyes. He moved forward, causing Hyunjin to have to sprint to catch up to him.

Hyunjin had quite a good idea of what was going on now, and he was sure that Chan liked Felix. And, if his guess was correct, the feelings were reciprocated. This caused him to scowl, but Hyunjin just shook off the feeling, focusing on his guilt instead. Here was his chance to apologize.

However, as they got just within a few dozen meters of Felix, it was Chan's turn to stop. He paused dead in his tracks, and - Hyunjin knew he had no idea of how he looked then, but he was quite certain Chan had the same staring "mesmerized" gaze. Although, now that he looked closer, Chan wasn't looking at Felix.


Seungmin's POV

Rolling my eyes at Sam's foolish behavior, I sprinted down the stairs outside. It was a nice evening, the air seemed fresh and warm, and there weren't many people outside. Taking a deep breath, I took my usual route home.

Carefully slipping on my headphones, I turned on some music, and took a turn toward the Han river.

After some time, when the song got to the chorus, my mind went blank, and I forgot, for a few fleeting moments, of how hard my life was, running alongside the river. Some people gave me weird glances, but honestly, at that time, I couldn't care less. All the thoughts of being a trainee as well as working two part-times and family problems disappeared as if they were never there in the first place. A smile flashed over my face, and I felt lighter.

It doesn't last of course. Nothing does - I've had to learn that the hard way. Even so, I was glad to add that moment to my collection of good memories. The song ended, and I decided, without really deciding, on removing my shoes and socks, stepping into the clear water.

It's a pleasant cold temperature - not warm, but not freezing either. "Energising", as I.N. would say.

I prodded through the water as another song, more relaxing this time, came on, but I still grinned, the idiot I am.

The sun warmed my face, not too much, but enough to be noticeable. Soon though, my bare feet grew cold, and I had to exit the water, walking barefoot on the grass, waiting for my feet to dry.

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